The Model

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*~Riko pov~*

I heard a lot of ruckus coming from the gym and it sounded a lot like screaming fan girls. I ignored it at first and focused on helping Akuma, but soon it just became irritating beyond my concentration. Before deciding to out and see what was going on I took one last glance at the unconscious girl with pure white hair. I changed the towel on her forehead before heading out to the gym.

When I got there my ears were bombarded with squeals from at least half the female population in our school. I cringed at the noise but still made my way over to the team. They looked just as confused as I felt. When I got to them I stood next to Hyuuga, I leaned towards him. 

"Takeshi is fine, but what is going on out here?!" I exclaimed.

"It's good that he's OK, but honestly I have no clue it was like this when I got here, except with less people." He explained.

I nodded and was about to ask the rest of the team but a voice rang out above the screaming fan girls.

"Aah dam, I didn't come for that, but.."

Kuroko spoke "It has been a while, Kise Ryota."

"I'm seriously sorry, err, well do you mind waiting a few minutes?" He said to the fan girls lined up in front of him.

After the girls left he jumped down from the stage while the boys standing next to me questioned why he was here.

"Well, when I heard that our next opponent was Seirin I remembered this was the school Kurokocchi joined. So I came to say hi. Since we got along best in middle school right..?" He continued.

"Not particularly." Kuroko bluntly replied.

"So mean!" Kise had anime tears streaming down his face. In the background I heard the rest of the team talking about how Kise Ryota is part of the Generation of Miracles. They questioned how he was so good when he only played for two years and his reply was. " I'm glad I was called one of the generation of miracles, but in other words that just means i was the weakest of the bunch... that's why Kurokocchi and I were picked on so often."

"I wasn't really picked on." Kuroko again bluntly replied.

"What!! I was the only one?!" He again had anime tears.

Suddenly Kagami threw a ball at him and he caught it quickly. Apparently Kagami threw it pretty hard because Kise's reply was "Ouch, wait what?"

"Sorry to disrupt but how about you be my opponent Kise." Intensity was burning through the air and again he gained that wild aura. Kise was about to decline but then it seemed like he got an idea he said thanks for showing me something good and that slightly confused me. I heard Kuroko mutter "This might be bad."

The one-on-one started and Kise did an extremely difficult move and from what I heard it was a move that Kagami had done right before I walked in. Kuroko continued "When he has seen a play he can make it his own in an instant."

I looked at the two on the court in utter shock and disbelief, Kagami jumped in an attempt to block the shot but he was knocked down ruffly be Kise as he forced the ball in. I distinctly heard a door open behind me but it was drowned out by the sound of Kagami hitting the floor.

"I don't know this person. Even though I only haven't seen him in a few months his abilities are even greater now." Everyone on the side lines looked at Kuroko in shock. 

Then Kise spoke again making a request. "After that I cant just go back, give me Kurokocchi. Come to my school, lets play basketball together again." he more stated than questioned.

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