First Game

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As soon as he turned to try and block I pushed off with the ball in my hands. I jumped somewhat over him and slammed the ball in. He got knocked over by the strength I used and he fell to the ground with a resounding thud. When I dropped back down with a light 'tap' sound, I smirked down at him. I leaned over put on a cheerful smile and said.

"I win."

*~End Recap~*


In the gym there was deafening silence, it rang in my ears and I waited for something to happen. I still stood over Kise, but my faint vision was slowly fading, my mind new the match was over so it pretty much tried to shut down what little sight I had. Since I was still on the court my heightened senses stayed.

"Well that was fun, my first time against an opponent or a long time. I didn't know that I was that good." I said, shattering the silence. I put out my hand in front of me because he still had not moved. After a few more seconds I hand significantly bigger than my own grabbed it. I pulled him up as much as my petite frame could.

Suddenly another pair of footsteps came onto the court and they were running towards me. I recognized the pattern as Riko, when she got around two feet in front of me they steps disappeared and I was tackled to the ground. I landed with the air in my lungs getting knocked out of me with an "oomph!"

"Kyaa! Takeshi, how did you do that. You know that was Kise Ryouta, of the Generation of miracles. You just knocked him to the ground like it was nothing!" she yelled.

The rest of the teams footsteps came onto the court towards us and Riko was lifted off of my, letting my ability for me to breath normally come back. I was lifted off the ground, and set back on my feet. All the voices slightly jumbled together, but I got that they were glad they had me on the team. I heard a sigh and turned in that direction, assuming it was this Kise that I beat. I walked towards him and when I was close enough I spoke.

"Kise, I didn't know who you were. Sorry but our agreement is still in place you won't ask anymore."

"Excuse me but I would like to tell you something Kise." Kuroko's familiar voice said. "I wouldn't have agreed to attend your school anyway, I'm humbly sorry." 

"*sigh* Well I figured as much but can I ask why?" Kise said.

"I made a promise with Kagami-kun, a promise to defeat the Generation of Miracles." He answered. "I only though I would have one light to make my shadow stronger but it turns out I now have two lights."

I didn't have to be able to see to tell he was talking about me.

*~Time Skip~*

Today is the day we have the practise match with Kaijo, and we had just arrived at the school. Comments of how big the school is were heard but Kuroko and Kagami were saying something about Kagami's eyes and how he was too excited to sleep. I giggled at that, because I agreed with the aggressive basketball player. I too had trouble falling asleep the night before, but I kept that to myself. 

We stood in a little group trying to figure out where to go when a slightly familiar voice yelled from the side.

"Hi, ill be counting on you guys today."

"Kise!" some of my team said.

"Since this place is so big, I came to greet you.!" Kise explained.

He walked over to me "Takeshicchi~ ever since you turned me down so easily i've been crying myself to sleep." 

You see after I beat him and Kuroko turned him down he asked my to go to his school, I easily turned him down.

"Not even a single girl has ever turned me dow-"

"I'm not a girl." I said sharply, cutting off the rest of his sentence. 

"Hmm, I can see why Kurokocchi is interested in you. Today I will seriously have to try and take you down."  he responded after a few seconds, a challenging tone in his voice.

"Of course. Go ahead and try." I accepted the challenge.

"Ah, it's here." 

A lot of vibration and the sound of basketball shoes squeaking on the floor came from in front of us, but only from one side of the building. I felt that I stepped through a door on my way in.

"Eh..." Riko said confused. "... Were only playing on half a court? They're practising on the other half? and isn't the board on our side past the expiration date?" 

I inwardly cringed at each question, but then heavy footsteps came towards our little group.

"Ah, you're here. We'll only be playing on this side of the court, You don't mind right?" an unfamiliar voice said, but I assumed he was the person in charge, the coach. 

"Nice to meet you. What do you mean we'll only use half?" Riko questioned. I bit my lip awaiting the answer.

"It's just like you see, this match is only a light warm-up for our team but the players not playing won't learn anything by watching, so the member's not playing will be practising as usual. Even though I say it's a warm up it's still our regular players, so please don't lose by triple the points." He said.

My face scrunched up and I felt angry and menacing aura's coming from me and my teammates around me. 'Their making a joke out of us, oh I hope their pride isn't too big. because I'm about to smash it into a million pieces.' 

"Kise why are you putting on your uniform, you wont play!" their irritating coach yelled. "Our school gathers aces from all middle schools, but even then your on a completely different level. If you play it won't even be a match."

'Why is he making this worse for himself?' I thought.

Kise walked towards us and said "Don't worry i'll still be on the bench, i'm sure if you knock him off his pedestal he'll let me play..."

"Don't worry after were done he wont have a place to sit." I said in a sickly sweet tone.

"Well, i'm counting on it. Though if you guys cant do that much you have no right in challenging the Generation of Miracles." he continued, though this time with a hint of worry.

He started to walk away as their coach told us to follow him to the locker room. Kuroko stopped him by saying "Please stay up you will not have to wait for long..." at the same time Riko said to their coach "Excuse me but I don't think that is possible for it to be a warm up..."

Then at the same time they said "Because I don't think you will be able to afford holding back." 

We walked to the locker room but I pulled Riko out of the room. "Riko, I can't change in there."

"I know, I was going to take you aside anyway. Lets go find the restroom's" she reassured me. "When are you going to tell them?" 

"After we win this game, I hope." I said.

*~Time Skip~*

"Start of the practise match between  Seirin High and Kaijo High!" someone yelled. 

Me, Kuroko, Kagami, Hyuga and Izuki walked to the court. My senses heightened and narrowed to the court.

"Um, Serin can you please have all five member on the court please."

"We are here." Kuroko said.

"EH!!" came from our opponents then murmurs about how they could see him.

Then we started the game. The whistle blew and I was able to see.

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