First Day

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After asking around I finally found a nice Senpai walking the halls that would take me to my first class I thanked him then felt for the door. I walked into the room sensei told me to pick a seat and wait for the rest of the class and we would all introduce ourselves. I relaxed and felt along the wall until hit glass so I assumed it was the wall facing out side and felt along that wall, hoping I wasn't walking too slow and acting suspicious. I put my other hand out and felt the desks until I came to the last one, I chose that seat. 

I sat and put my head down waiting for the rest of the students to pile in. I heard the door and a lot of feet walking in. 'So the club signing was probably over. Yay now for class.' Note the sarcasm.

After awhile the footsteps stopped and was replaced by the clattering chairs. A minute later even that noise stopped. 

"Stand. Introduce yourselves so we can get to know each other. Name, like, dislike say things like that. I'll go first" said the voice I recognized as the sensei's. "I'm Hoshigaki Yuuki, I like people that don't give up, and I hate people that don't give any effort." After her short introduction she started to list off names. From what I heard they stood up and introduced themselves, but after awhile I stopped caring and drifted off. Until she said "Kagami Taiga"

From somewhere close to me I heard shuffling until his deep gruff voice spoke "Kagami Taiga, I love basketball, and I hate people who think they are better than me."

Our sensei called another name "Kuroko Tetsuya."

From the seat in front of me someone stood up "I'm Kuroko Tetsuya, I like basketball, and  i hate people that try to do things by themselves themselves." A monotone voice very like my own resounded out. After a couple more moments there was no response when our Sensei spoke again.

"Huh, well I guess he's not here,"

'Wait, I heard him he's sitting right in front of me-' My thought's were cut off as she called my name.

I stood up careful not to knock anything over. "Takeshi Akuma, I love proving people wrong at their own game and basketball, I hate people telling me its impossible for me to do something."

I was the last introduction and after, we didn't really do anything except do a minor review on what we know.


The school day passed by incredibly fast and soon the final bell was ringing.

I made my way to the bathroom in the school instead of going to the gym room to change. I couldn't risk anyone see my bandages and expose me. If they did my plan wouldn't succeed. I swiftly changed and tightened the bandages containing my breasts. Then I walked to the gym asking directions from another student.

Once I got there I heard the same feminine voice that gave me the paperwork. "Ah, there you are. Oh, your already changed, good. Everyone else is still changing hold on a moment." 

"OK Riko."

I walked in her direction till I thought it was safe enough.

We waited in silence when a door opened and multiple pairs of footsteps walked into the room. 

"Line up next to Takeshi." Riko's voice came and with more authority than before. There was more shuffling then the noise stopped. "Freshman step forward" I stepped forward. "I'm the boy basketball club's coach. Aida Riko. Nice to meet you." A series of "EEEH"s was heard.

Regardless our coach continued to speak. "Well then first, take off your shirts." another series of "EEEH"s rang out. 

At her words my heart stopped. 'What do i do?! Oh my god!!!! What do I do?!' My panicked mind was racing. 'So early my plan is halted... If it ends here I'll never be able to play the thing I live for....NO I'm sorry Riko I wont let that happen.'

I stood there unmoving, the footsteps got closer in my direction until they stopped right in front of me.

"Takeshi why didn't you remove you shirt?" she questioned

"I won't remove it if you need my stats your going to have to get them with my clothes on. I would rather you all not be judge mental of what you could see but I wont let you." I replied with a finalizing tone. 

"Would you mind showing only me." she tried to compromise.

"That depends what is your mental breakage point." I shot back. I heard a series of surprised gasps.

"It just so happens mine is very high, I think I can handle it." 

I gave a smirk. "Fine but don't you dare say anything to anyone else about it."

"I promise." Strange thing is I trusted her. Riko grabbed my hand dragged me away and through a door. 

I just assumed she dragged me back to the locker rooms. "OK, were alone. Now let me get the stats."

"Please no matter what you see just give me a chance and I beg you don't tell anyone."

"I already told you I promise."

"OK" I slowly lifted my shirt, and I flinched at the gasp she let out. 

"Oh my god, your a girl..." I nodded but she continued "Turn" I froze up.

To get her trust I turned and exposed my scarred back to her. She let out a strangled noise and she walked closer, I felt her fingertips brush the area with the worst old injuries. I tensed up at the touch. 

"I know i'm not supposed to let you on the team now, but I have a promise to keep. Even through these scars and the fact that your a girl your stats are unbelievable I would love to have you on the team." I sighed in relief. "Is there anything else I need to know?"

I hesitantly started to speak "They took my sight....." I put on my shirt "I'm blind." as I finished I turned back around to face her. 

Riko didn't say anything. After agonizing moments of silence she spoke again. "I figured as much, whenever you look at something it's like your not really looking at it. I noticed this morning, though you moved with such confidence I thought I was wrong. I also noticed that when you heard sound you tilt your head in that direction so I assume that you have developed a highly developed sense of hearing."

"Yes, I have Riko. Also whenever I'm only the court I get a strange feeling from my feet and I know where I'm going. If I grow accustomed to my teammates foot patterns I would be able to guide myself over the court and past the opponents with ease." I admitted. "When I practise in the street court I know exactly where the hoop is." I didn't tell her that I regained a little something when plying in a match though.

"Well I accept having you on the team, but you know you will have have to tell them before long right."

"I know. I'll tell them when I think they can handle it." In fact I did know, I just wont tell them yet.

"Even though your a girl I wont let you slack off you will still follow the same training regiment. Also I wont push it now, but I hope someday you'll tell me what happened to you." I heard shuffling and a door opening. Then silence. 

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