First Game: part 2

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The whistle blew and I was able to see.

The ball was up in the air and the other team got it, I wasn't disappointed because that was just a mistake. I knew I should have done the tip-off.

"...Lets start by scoring once-" The member that had the ball was cut off when Kuroko quickly hit the ball back in my direction, I caught it and started too dribble towards our goal. One of the Kaijo players was in front of me so I spun and put my back to him along with the ball in front of me, I quickly glanced around and felt for one of my teammates. Kagami.

"Taiga!!" I snapped. I threw the ball to him. "Slam it in!"

Once he had the ball he ran to the hoop and jumped, then he dunked. As he landed back on the floor I saw the outline of the hoop in his hand, surprised comments were exclaimed throughout the gym.

"He destroyed the Goal!!"

"What was up with that steal!?"

"How did number 14 run through all the players?!" 

I remembered Riko telling me my number was 14, I wanted 4 but Hyuuga had already had it. I settled for 14, at least it still had a 4 in it. I didn't know what they meant, it was easy they were clumsy and I just side stepped them. 

I walked over to Kagami and continued what they were saying "Sorry. It seems we have broken the goal..." Kuroko said.

"...Would you mind if we used the other half of the court." I more stated than questioned.

*~Time Skip~*

They were getting the full court ready and we were waiting for them to be done, turns out that knocked their coach right off his pedestal. From my point of view the pedestal was still intact and my goal was not accomplished. I wanted to make sure he would never have anywhere to sit, I wanted to shatter his throne into a million pieces. All I had to do was beat Kise, and it turns out the greeting that we gave them was just enough to make their coach put him in the game.

'I wonder how much that hoop costed? Well its fine for me but I don't know about the other members.' I thought.

I walked over to Kagami and poked him in the side.

"Eh, oh Takeshi." he acknowledged me.

"Good job at catching my pass. Did it hurt?"

"Did what hurt?"

"Oh, never mind sometime's I forget to hold back a little bit, I was worried that it hurt to catch my pass. I got too excited." I'm so glad that I can still see, I live for these days. Since the game had not ended I can see the outlines. Though since I was off the court it was not as sharp. At least while I can, I can see my teammates, though it still sucks not being able to see color. There are time's when I can see auras I guess is what you'd call it though only when a player gets into the zone. I've never experienced it so I don't know what happens to me though.

I studied Kagami, he had sharp features with eyebrows that split in two. He towered over my 5'3" form. He was buff, not in a body builder type of buff, but in a lean and attractive way.

He looked down at me and smirked, "Takeshi, with me throw as hard as you want."

I arched a brow and said "Are you sure I don't want to break your wrist by accident. I've done that before except it wasn't my team mate, and it was in street ball."

He let out a disbelieving chuckle. "Well with you style and movement's on the court i'm going to have trouble believing it. Have you taken dance lesson's or something when you were little?"

"No, why?" 

"On the court it look's like your dancing. It seems our opponent's were surprised by it too, I could tell by their faces that they were mesmerized. You look like you never touch the ground, gliding past everyone like that." Kuroko joined in the conversation.

I was about to say something else but the whistle blew signaling that the court was ready. I put my water bottle back down and then walked with the others to the court. My vision narrowed and became stronger, I looked around the court and saw Kise standing near Kagami. Kise was around the same height as Kagami and was pretty attractive. I understand why the girls on the around the gym were screaming.Though he wasn't my type, way too pretty boy for my taste.

The game resumed and Kaijo got possession of the ball. Kagami was marking Kise and I trusted him for later, but I knew right now he was no match. Their captain passed over to Kise and I tried to run and stop him but I was too far away. He did the same move as when Kagami dunked the ball. Though the backboard didn't break, i'm assuming because it was not a old expired one. Obviously by the way the rim was still shaking the force he used was greater than Kagami's.

"Moron you should have broken it like them!!" their captain yelled while kicking Kise while Kise exclaimed an apology.

 I couldn't hear what Kise had said to Kagami but it riled him up and he told Kuroko to pass him the ball. Kagami ran but was blocked by one of Kaijo's player's, I think his name was Kasamatsu their captain. Kasamatsu was smaller than Kagami, but it was a solid defense. I was already by the rim with only the opposing center to block me. I waved a little and he saw me, quickly he passed the ball to me and I shot off towards the hoop. I made a quick decision and decided to show them how much and small person like me could be full of surprises.

I stepped slightly to the side and got in a shooter's stance. Their center went and jumped to block my shot, then quick as lightning I ran a little more and I was behind him. I'm not kidding I mean I was exactly behind him, I could feel his clothes fluttering. I jumped forward and brought the ball up to dunk it. I put all half of the force I could have and slammed the ball in (Ididn't want to break it, if I did where would we play?). I grabbed onto the rim and hung there for a few seconds then let go landing gracefully on my feet. By the time I hit the ground the hoop was still shaking violently

There was surprised gasps from everyone in the room and I just went on my merry way going to block whatever thing they were going to try and score with.

It went on like that for a while. Kaijo scoring and then Seirin scoring. back and forth, I noticed the defense from both teams were pretty much non-existent. It was a battle of offenses. Even though I wasn't really tired I saw some drastic changes in speed coming from our team (and it was only three minutes in), I went to go talk with captain. Though I didn't miss the part where Kise copied another thing that Kagami did, and making it better.

When I got to captain Kuroko was already there ".. I'd like to request a time-out."

"I agree the pace we're going at isn't good for our bodies..." I butted in.

".. and we need to get Kagami to cool his head."

"Yeah it seem's so." our captain agreed. "It look's like coach is thinking the same thing."

I couldn't see outside the court so I didn't bother looking. Remember my sight narrows to the court in order for it to be stronger and for me to play better. Though to prove his statement a time-out was called.

I looked to my teammates and saw them looking utterly exhausted. Coach started talking about how Kagami couldn't handle Kise so I decided to speak up.

"Coach, let me take him." though my vision was blurry I could still see their surprised faces. 

"What, no! He's my opponent." Kagami argued.

I turned to him "Say's the one who just got his ass beaten." He cringed at that but I continued. "I'm just suggesting this because I know that you all saw me beat him at that one-on-one. This would only be for a little while just until Kagami cools his head. I suggest I mark him until after the second half. Take Kagami out and put in Mitobe, we could use some strength in the center. I know i'm smaller than the rest of you but on this team right now I'm the only one that can take him if it come's down to a one-on-one."

"There is another problem. With the higher pace than expected I am starting to loose my efficiency." Kuroko said.

This ended with an explanation and Riko strangling Kuroko. The time out ended while she was strangling him and she ended up going with my plan. Kagami on the banch with me taking on Kise, Kuroko would be switched out at the end of this quarter and Koganei would step in. I would play and proceed at shattering this school's throne.

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