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I had trouble sleeping that night. Once I got home from the street court, the headache from earlier today and the one from after the street game hit me full force and I basically dragged myself upstairs to my bed. I collapsed on it without changing out of the clothes I was in. I felt dead tired, but my mind refused to stop with the worried thoughts. I know that they said they wouldn't tell but I couldn't help but be worried. I mean I barely knew these guys I still don't know if I can trust them. Especially Kise, he's one of the enemy players what if i'm not aloud to play and he tries to get me disqualified. 

I groaned and rolled over onto my stomach. My brain refused to switch off, and the constant headache didn't make it any better. After laying there for what seemed like hours my mind finally agreed o let me sleep and I drifted off slowly with the thought of...

'I hope they'll accept me either way.'

*~Time Skip~*

I woke up feeling stiff, but still relaxed. I slowly sat up and tapped the clock on my bedside table, then it said the time. 'Shit' was the thought that ran through my head.

I was an hour late. I tried to start running around getting my stuff ready but I took no more than two steps before tripping over my shoes that I shucked off me last night. I landed flat on my face and then laid there for a few minutes then got up again. I grabbed my uniform and undressed while walking to the bathroom, I took a quick shower, then put on my clothes. I felt around for Kagami's jacket and when I finally found I slipped it on deciding it would be easier to carry like that. I ran down the steps and grabbed a random fruit from the counter then grabbed my bag slipped on my shoes and I was already out the door, and running down the street. I tapped my watch, it took me ten minutes for all that.

I ran through the streets, basically shoving the fruit that I grabbed down my throat. I got to the school but slammed into the closed gates at the front of the school. I groaned in frustration then took a few steps back I ran and when I was close enough jumped and vaulted over the top. I landed on my feet, I leaned over and put my hands on my knees, catching my breath. Then I jogged over to the school building and to my classroom. I opened the door and basically felt all their stares on me as I walked through them. I bowed at my Sensei and said.

"I'm sorry I'm late my alarm didn't work this morning."

She sighed and then said, "It happens, just try not to let it happen again." With that I breathed a sigh of relief as she turned back to the board. I walked casually to my seat and stared in front of me. 

Basically i've already graduated from school and I know this stuff. I only came back to high school was because I wanted to play basketball. I zoned out and thought about how I was going to tell the rest of the team. I was still tired so I decided I would sleep, I put my head on my arms and felt the soft material of Kagami's jacket. I found it comfy so I buried my face into my arms, blocking out the sounds around me. I drifted off to sleep. 

*~Time Skip~*

I woke to a gentle shake of my shoulder and remembered that I was still at school. I tried to bury my head further into my arms to block them out. They apparently didn't get the message so the shaking got more persistent. I peeked my eye out and even though I couldn't see them I put my most scary glare on. I set my feet on the floor and slowly rose up, my face finally showed. From what I heard I looked like a demon or something. The person in front of me stepped back and I remembered the steps as Kagami, Kuroko right behind him. 

"Ta-Takeshi?" Kagami said, fear laced his voice.

"What do you want?" I said with a menacing voice.

"I-It's time for p-practice." 

I sighed and looked away, I didn't say anything so I grabbed my bag and walked out to the bathrooms. I quickly changed out of my uniform and sluggishly walked out of the bathroom. Turns out Kagami and Kuroko followed me and were waiting for me outside the bathroom. 

"So, this is where you change..." Kagami said in realization.

"Well, I couldn't exactly change in the locker room with you guy's." I stated matter-of-factly.

They both made an 'Erk' kind of sound and they stopped walking for a second then continued.

"Takeshi, about last night... Just to make sure what we saw wasn't a joke right? Your really a girl?" Kuroko spoke up with his as always monotone voice.

I spun on them and faced them. "If it was a joke I wouldn't have ran away from Riko, right? She knows, and I'm planning on telling the other's today, and I really hope that all of you don't treat me any differently. I will also tell you guys something else, maybe, but I really hope it doesn't change anything. I've never had a chance to play on a team before coming to this school, I was always alone playing against random people on the streets and I want to officially be a basketball player." After my little rant I turned away from them and continued towards the gym.

We walked in silence the rest of the way and when we got there the only ones not already dressed were Kagami, and Kuroko. I walked to Riko ready to accept whatever she was going to do to me for running away. I stood in front of her silent, and she hit me over the head hard. I let out a little yelp and she started to talk.

"That's what you get for running away yesterday. We didn't know where you were until Kuroko told us you went home." She paused. "Also when everyone is here you will tell them what you were supposed to tell them yesterday." 

I flinched at her final tone and I leaned towards her and whispered in her ear. "Can I show them instead? Of course I'll just take off the bandages in the bathroom and put on a bra or something."

She whispered a tiny, "Fine." then she grabbed my hand and led me to the gym restroom's.

Then she left and went back to the gym. I took off my shirt and slowly unwrapped the bandages. I reached behind me and felt the scars running up and down my back I sighed at the memories and the ghost pains. I pulled on a bra that I kept with me just in case. I pulled my shirt back on and took a deep breath. I moved around a bit to get used to having my boobs not wrapped up. I mean I wrapped them tight because I was in no way flat chested. I mean even when I wasn't cross dressing as a guy, whenever I played basketball I wrapped them up because they often got in the way. I ran my hand over my hair and decided I would be a little more convincing. I pulled off the wig that encased my long white hair. It went down to my mid back and I loved it. I shoved the wig in my bag and ran my fingers through my hair. Once I was done I gathered my courage and walked out of the bathroom and down the hallway to the voices echoing off the walls.

I stooped when my hand touched a door in front of me and took a deep breath before pushing it open. All the people in the gym stopped talking as I walked through the door, I walked over to the area giving off vibrations. I bowed slightly and said to them, "You all probably need an explanation but.... Hi, my name is Takeshi Akuma." I looked up tilted my head to the side and gave a closed eye smile.


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