The Oath

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Yesterday after Riko accepted me to the team she gave me more paperwork that she helped me finish. She told me to turn it in to her at 8:40am on Monday morning, she said to meet her on the roof with the rest of the team. I thanked her with a hug and then she told me I could leave, so I did.

Now its Monday morning and I'm on my way to the roof. I tripped a few times but since Riko told me where to go IO got there relatively easy. When I got there Riko spoke. I got the gist of it she said to yell out your name, class, and goal for the year, also if we didn't she would make us confess to the person we liked naked. Immediately I stepped up and kept walking until my stomach hit the metal railing.

"CLASS 1-B, SEAT 10, TAKESHI AKUMA, I WILL PROVE THE PEOPLE WRONG THAT SAID IT WOULD BE IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO PLAY BASKETBALL!!!!" I screamed out over the railing. I heard gasps from behind me, but I was smiling. It felt good to scream, like really good. 

I stepped back away from the railing and I heard footsteps come closer to me, and a whoosh of air next to my ear. His voice rang out. "CLASS 1-B, SEAT 8, KAGAMI TAIGA, I WILL DEFEAT THE 'GENERATION OF MIRACLES' AND BECOME THE NUMBER ONE IN JAPAN!!!!"

His voice was full of confidence, as mine was I don't know scared, angry, something along those lines. the voice i recognized as Riko reminded them that a teacher might come soon. Kuroko was about to go when a teacher barged through the door and onto the roof. The team members on the roof got a very long lecture, I fell asleep.

Guess what they forgot me on the roof!!! When I woke up it was to the final school bell shrieking like a banshee. Confused ad disorientated I stood up, I remembered where I was and the more I remembered the angrier I got. 'How dare the forget their teammate on the roof!!!!!!'

I ran to the school restroom and I changed lightning fast into my gym clothes. After I sprinted to the gym, slamming into a few walls along the way. When I got there I was boiling with rage. Slamming through the door I heard everyone practising, first i yelled. "HOW THE HELL DID YOU PEOPLE FORGET ME ON THE ROOF!?!?!?!?!" The practise stoped and it grew deathly silent. Then since I was still fuming I walked to the nearest person which just so happened to be Kagami. 

I grabbed his shirt to bring him down to my height, he grunted and tried to get out of my grip.


I threw him over my shoulder, and moved to the next one. I heard running but I was faster. The voice I recognized as Koganei, I punched him in the shoulder. I kept going until each and every one of them had at least a minor injury of some kind. Except Riko, because I couldn't find her.

In my most menacing voice I said "Where is Riko?" 

Wisely one of them spoke up "I saw her in the halls it seems shes skipping practise."

Our captain spoke next "SHE'S SKIPPING!! You'd better be ready everyone. If that girl is skipping practise, that means our next opponent is quite a dangerous one."

Then she walked in. Immediately the team was trying to warn her but she wasn't paying attention and I was already behind her. I smiled deviously 'I'm going to embarrass you beyond belief.' I bent down grabbed her hips and gripped her skirt and pulled. 

Lets just say her soul is now floating away and from the sounds coming from the boys direction they are now dyeing of blood loss. I didn't care, I walked into the middle of the court sat down and waited for them to come back around and get over the injuries whether physically or pride-wise.


After being forgiven from both sides, even though Riko would probably hold a tiny grudge against me for ever. Riko explained who our next opponents were, then she just told us to get back to practise. Before she officially started practise our coach pulled me aside. "Takeshi I want you to sit in the middle of the court and I want you to memorize the players foot patterns. I will call names and they will yell so you can tell who is who."

"That's what I was hoping you would tell me to do." I responded. "Oh and ill buy you ice cream or something later OK."

She sighed "OK, but that wont make me forget but I do forgive you. I mean I left you on the roof. Now go."

We both walked back and Riko blew the whistle. The team gathered around. "Team today Takeshi will be on the court but not playing." There were sounds of confusion. "He will be sitting in the middle of the court with his eyes closed. I will randomly call out names and you will say here or your name back, Mitobe just stomp your foot hard. If you hit him with either the ball or yourself he will not be able to catch it, remember eyes closed. If you hit him in some way or another your team will be penalized." Cue gasps of surprise. "Do you understand?"

some hesitant "Yes Coaches"'s were heard.I walked to the center of the court and sat down, getting comfy, I raised a thumbs up signalizing I was ready. I was sitting in a ball my feet plant firmly on the ground with my arms wrapped around my legs. People got in their places and the whistle blew, my advanced sense to fell others locations from vibrations in the ground turned on. I saw where they were but i didn't know who the were, I also saw where the ball was from the dribbling. 

Suddenly a name was called out "Izuki!"

"Here." he was by the net. I memorized the footing, he was light on his feet. Not super fast but he placed his feet strategically. I nodded.


"Koganei Shinji!" A cheerful voice yelled. He was on the outside guarding someone. Also light on his feet, he bounced a lot. I nodded memorizing who had the bouncing feet.


"Here." a nervous voice said. He was hesitant on his feet, that made him slightly slower. Though since he was nervous he was good at avoiding danger. I nodded.


A very hard vibration came through the floor and could be heard. After he was a little slow and had heavy steps, but at the same time he was there before he needed and he got it done. I nodded.


"He-ah!!" He got cut off and something tripped over me. My head cracked against the floor and Fukada layed sprawled on top of me. Riko blew the whistle and the game paused. I cried out slightly and pushed him off me, he gave a grunt. then proceeded in stammering "Oh Gosh! Takeshi, I'm so sorry are you OK." He asked genuinely concerned. 

"I'm OK Fukada." I said letting go of my head. I put on a reassuring smile. "Riko continue the game" I said in her direction.

"OK." she blew the whistle again and the game continued. Fukada had heavy slightly clumsy steps, i nodded.


"Tsuchida." I memorized his steps.


"Furihata." Memorized.


"Here." Confidant steps, powerful, reassuring steps, he jumped and I heard a whoosh of the basket. When he came back down he landed light. Nod.


"Here." His steps were barely noticeable, if I was paying attention I would miss him, though i noticed when the ball went his way he stepped slightly harder. I nodded.


"Here." The thing that radiated through his steps was power, confidence, and arrogance. Heavy powerful steps was what he had and his were the easiest to memorize along with Kuroko's.

It kept going like this, Riko calling names and me running through them in my mind. I got hit a few more times, but it was nothing compared to how I got the scars. After the game was over I stretched, and Riko dismissed me. I changed and then I went home, though I exchanged phone numbers with everyone from the team. I tapped my watch and it said 6:24pm. I went home.

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