My 'Job'

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Then she turned to me, "I'm Aida Riko, brown. I officially and openly accept you to the Seirin Basketball team. Takeshi Akuma, white." She finished with a smile, which I returned whole heartily.


The rest of the practise the team worked on there stamina and I ran laps, considering that During the practise match I was only a little exhausted. I didn't bother with wrapping up my chest again I mean It didn't really matter since I was just going home. Tomorrow is Wednesday, I have to tell Riko I wont be here on wednsday's.

After finishing my assigned laps I went back inside and stood next to Riko I had preserved my sight by keeping my eyes closed while running so when I got there I opened them and watched the boys practise for a while. 

"Your not going to tell them are you?" Riko interrupted my thoughts. I knew what she was talking about but I didn't respond. "The guys asked me questions after you left. About why I was saying colors and how you didn't already know who was who."

"That's the thing I don't know how to tell them, and if I do I'm scared they wont let me play or they'll be too overprotective of me or something." I paused. "You can tell them when I'm not here, I wont be at school tomorrow or on any other Wednsday's. I wanted to let you know I wont be coming to school on Wedsnday's."

"Why?" She questioned in a confused tone.

"I have to visit some friends and they live farther away than I would like." I lied. I mean they are pretty far from here but the people I'm 'Visiting' are certainly not friends. If anything they hate me.

"Oh, well only on wednsday's will I give you permission on this." She said after a couple moments of thought.

"Thanks Riko-chan. I really appreciate this." I smiled thankfully. Even though I had lied to her I was glad she didn't ask anymore questions. 

After practise the guys let me change in the locker room first, I quickly figured out my boys uniform didn't fit over my chest. I either had to wrap them again or borrow something from one of the bigger guys on the team. Then I remembered that I still had Kagami's jacket in my bag, I grabbed it put it on and zipped it up. Without the bandages like yesterday instead of mid thigh it went to the middle of my butt.

When I was done I went out of the locker room, I found myself in front of the team and I felt my face heat up. I mean my own clothes that I had with me didn't even fit without the bandages and I was planning on not wearing them. I had to use someone else's bigger than me to even cover myself.

"Um, Taiga can I borrow your jacket again?" I looked up nervously at him. 

"Ugh, sure why?" I tensed up slightly I was hoping he wouldn't ask that.

"Well... It seems that my uniform top won't.... close." I looked back down as I felt my face burn even more. 

"Oh..... Yeah sure take it." He rushed his words. then I turned swiftly and walked away. I felt them go into the locker room and I went back to the gym.

As I was walking my vision suddenly went away and I had to stop and lean on the was as a wave of exhaustion hit me. "...dam..." I whispered under my breath. I took a few deep breathes to compose myself, I got my breathing under control and was about to walk away from my spot on the wall when...

"Akuma...?" I jumped in surprise when Kuroko said my name. 

I spun around to face him and put a smile on my face, "Yeah, whats up Testu-chan" I said in my normal voice.

"Whats wrong?" he questioned.

"Nothings wrong, why do you ask?" I tilted my head and added confusion to my face and voice. I knew he saw that little episode but I still didn't want anyone to know. 

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