Chapter Seventeen

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When I woke up the following morning I read a text from Tom:

Hola from Barcelona! I arrived safe and sound. Have a nice day darling, speak to you later x

I didn’t reply as I needed to get ready for work, so I chucked my old phone into my work bag, got myself and my things together and went up to the school.


I almost let out a scream as I walk into my classroom and see Dani sitting at the art table at the back of the room.

‘Dani!’ I eventually got out after holding my breath for a moment, holding in my possible scream, ‘what on earth are you doing here?’

Dani simply turned her head to look at me, eyes glazed over, her hair scraped back into a greasy-looking ponytail and big black bags under her eyes, still looking like she was over-tired and needed some serious rest.

‘Hi,’ she simply said, with no feeling or tone to her voice what-so-ever, ‘Thought I’d come in early.’

‘Again?’ I questioned, ‘Why? Why do you keep coming in so early? Is everything alright at home?’

I tried to sound concerned, but it came out more like an accusation. So I cleared my throat and tired again.

‘I mean, are the kids OK? Are you OK?’ I said more sympathetically.

‘Fine,’ she said, forcing a slight smile, ‘How are things with you?’

‘Oh, I’m good thank you.’

I was slightly shocked that she asked how I was, but replied anyway, and this was followed by a rather awkward silence, before she spoke again.

‘And Tom?’ she said, looking away from me and back down to the table in front of her.

‘He’s good, really good, thanks.’

‘He’s away.’

I never knew whether she was saying that as a statement, or asking a question.

‘Yes, he is. He’s in Barcelona,’

‘For long?’

‘Only a few days.’

‘So, when’s he back?’

‘Erm, I think Friday, but it depends, he could be back early if he’s done.’

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