Fear Itself [ A Shoey Fanfic ]

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Authors Note: Thank You Guys So Much! 3 Thousand Reads!!!

|| Shane's P.O.V ||

i heard Sawyer moan and Joey slam the door. I jumped from where I was laying, shakily sitting up and using the little arm strength I had to push up off the cushion.

i quickly had to grab something to balance myself on, making my way slowly to the door. i rushed for the rail on the stairs and tried to hurry down the stairs.

I groaned in pain as I made it to the last step, edging my way onto the wood flooring. i looked around the large room for something to grab onto, struggling.

i groaned and let my weak self flop into the floor, dragging myself like a child to the couch. i was so weak. it was definitely very upsetting.

i used the very little arm strength I had left to yank myself onto the couch, reaching for the phone in front of me. I dialed Joey's number and listened as it rang. once. twice. three times. finally he picked up.

"Shane? What is it?" he snapped angrily.

"Jeez, nice to talk to you too." i replied.

"what the hell do you need?" he asked.

"well, I'd like to know where you went to in such a hurry leaving me incapable of doing anything and having to crawl over to the couch and walk down the stairs myself?!" i explained.

he sighed, "im sorry i left in such a hurry, Sawyer cut himself on some glass, i think I got it out but it's bleeding really bad."

"okay, fine. just...lemme know how he's doing later." I said as I hung up. i looked up at the ceiling and put my hands on my forehead. so much for a quiet week.

i might as well just turn on the tv while I'm here.

i grabbed the remote and turned it on. Sawyer's little dog came running over and jumped onto my lap, pouncing onto my limp legs. I sighed but then pet him as I watched desperate housewives.

this is boring. I wanna do something. but I can't. I'm weak. I'm pathetic.

Lisa would know what to do.

woah, wait. did I just say that? no. no. I did not just say that. she was rude to me. im not going back.

but she would...

I don't know... maybe I should just call her, text?

no Shane. you won't.

but then I picked up the phone...

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