Fear Itself [ A Shoey Fanfic ]

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|| Joey's P.O.V ||

i ran to the door, yanking it open and looking down the street, still half naked. i closed the door and ran up the stairs, coming back to the door fully clothed.

i had a backpack with me stocked with a blanket, water, food, my phone, money, and another coat, in case Shane got cold on the way home.

i walked around and tried to find Shane, walking up and down each street, examining every pedestrian.

it took me an equivalent of 45 minutes to find Shane. but it wasn't as expected, him sad and begging for money.

instead, i saw the love of my life, lying limp, cold and unconscious on the side of the road, nobody stopped and helped him. how recent was this?

at that moment i think i stopped breathing for a minute. i wearily reached for my phone, limply dialing 911. the operator came up immediately.

operator: hello this is 911, what's your emergency?

joey: my bo- my friend is unconscious.

operator: what happened sir?

joey: i-im not sure. i just found him like this.

operator: what is his condition like?

joey: bad.

operator: can you tell me your address sir?

joey: *mutters address into phone*

i hung up and then kneeled down by shane, putting my head on his chest. i heard a very slow beat coming from his heart. i wanted to preform CPR, but i wasn't sure if it was necessary.

"oh my god shane, please. please stay alive for me." i began to cry as i laid my head on his chest.

what seemed like forever later, i heard a helicopter land swiftly on the street, many paramedics jumping out of the helicopter as it landed to slip him onto the stretcher.

one paramedic wandered over to me, me eyes still puffy and red from crying. he put his hand on my shoulder.

"would you like a lift over to the hospital?" he asked sweetly and softly, like he felt sorry for me.

i shook my head and wandered off, beginning to cry again.

i made it home and slumped onto the couch wiping my eyes.

how could i let this happen to him?

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