Rogue loved mornings like this, when they didn’t have a job waiting and they were all caught up on guild work, allowing them to curl up in bed and laze the morning away. They had been awake for a couple of hours, but aside from quick trips to the bathroom, the only time they had moved was to adjust to a more comfortable position with Sting curled against him, head resting against his chest. He knew exactly why the blond had chosen that position, a suspicion that was proven right a couple of minutes later when Sting nudged him gently with his nose, peering up at him with hopeful eyes. There was no way he could resist that expression, and his fingers immediately drifted up and began to comb gently through his partner’s hair. It started almost at once, a gentle whisper of sound to begin with, but as Rogue tugged softly at blond hair it became a deep rumbling noise, and the Shadow mage smiled as the purring vibrated through his chest.

Fairytail Drabbles
RandomA collection of 5 Sentence Drabbles - a mix of fluff, angst, romance and everything in-between. The Ships/characters involved are written in the chapter titles.