Sting could feel dark eyes boring into him every few minutes and he blinked when he looked up from the damage report he was reading, startled to find that Rogue who had started the morning at the far end of the couch was now barely a foot away. The other Dragon-slayer currently looked like he was engrossed in his book, but barely a moment later he caught him casting a longing look at the distance between and the blond felt a smile tugging at his lips. Rogue had never been the best at being open about what he wanted, but Sting didn’t need the words, and he didn’t say anything either as he shifted the report into his left hand before lifting his other arm in invitation. Red eyes darted to his face for a moment, silently questioning and Sting smiled in answer, grunting softly as a warm body collided with his side a moment later before wrapping his arm tightly around his partner as Rogue cuddled as close as he could. He knew that they weren’t going to get much work done like this, but as he heard the contented purr that rumbled through Rogue as he reached up to tug softly on black locks, he decided that he really didn’t mind.

Fairytail Drabbles
RandomA collection of 5 Sentence Drabbles - a mix of fluff, angst, romance and everything in-between. The Ships/characters involved are written in the chapter titles.