“Sorano…” Macbeth silenced himself as he stepped into the living room to find that his girlfriend was curled up at one end of the sofa, fast asleep despite the fact that it was the middle of the day and his eyes softened as he took in the dark shadows under her eyes. They had been experienced a resurgence in nightmares recently after paying a visit to the Tower of Heaven, wanting to see for themselves that it was gone, but whilst he never had any problem falling asleep even though he knew nightmares awaited, Sorano had been doing her best to stay awake as much as possible…clearly though she had been forced to admit defeat at last. He studied her for a moment before quietly shrugging off his cloak and moving across to drape it gently over her, a small smile tugging at his lips as she immediately cuddled into it, the small frown that had been marring her face easing out.
“Sleep well,” he whispered softly, not wanting to disturb as he turned to go and warn the others not to be too loud as he wanted her to sleep as long as possible.

Fairytail Drabbles
RandomA collection of 5 Sentence Drabbles - a mix of fluff, angst, romance and everything in-between. The Ships/characters involved are written in the chapter titles.