Chapter 62: Raijinshuu + 'Puppy'

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Freed pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes, hoping that when he opened them again the mess in the living room and the small ball of fluff rolling around between his teammates would disappear. Instead his eyes flew open when there was a soft whine and he felt a gentle tugging on the bottom of his trousers, and he let out a low grumble before reaching down to rescue his clothes, scooping the puppy up into his hands and lifting it to eye level. He had long since got used to Bickslow rescuing random animals and bringing them home, but it was the first time he had ever seen Evergreen just as enraptured by the critter as well and he was trying to ignore the fact that they had both pinned him with hopeful eyes. Blocking them out he focused on the puppy, only to realise that it was also looking at him with hopeful brown eyes and he was horrified to feel his resolve already faltering…he wasn’t an animal person and it had already destroyed the living room, but for the love of Mavis it was cute puppy, fluffy sandy fur sticking up in all directions and its little tail beginning to wag as it sensed his changing mood and he sighed in defeat.

“Fine…he can stay.”

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