Laxus could see pain in Freed’s face as the Rune mage struggled to support his weight, the tears that the younger man kept trying to blink away before the Dragon-slayer could see them, even though they both knew it was a futile effort as Laxus could smell them. He had already tried to convince Freed to let him go, pointing out reasonably in his mind that there was no point in both of them falling and that neither of them had the strength or magic left to pull him back up onto the cliff top…that all Freed was doing was delaying the inevitable. His arguments hadn’t gone across well, Freed’s fingers tightening around his wrist instead, fierce determination written across his face as he steadfastly refused to answer, but that had been half an hour ago and he could tell that the younger man’s strength was waning. Frantically he glanced around, searching for a way out of this mess or a way to get Freed to let him go before he pulled them both down, and his eyes narrowed as he spotted a small ledge off to the side. It was too far, and it would ever support him…but it might be what he needed.
“Freed!” He called, not liking how long it took for the younger man to focus on him, his heart aching as he realised the Rune mage was no longer even attempting to hide his tears and he swallowed before tilting his head towards the ledge. “Swing me across to that ledge,” he ordered, hoping that the pain would prevent Freed from catching onto his true intentions as he adding in the most upbeat tone he could muster given the situation. “At least then I can support some of my own weight.”
“’Kay…” Freed’s voice was thick with exhaustion, and Laxus bit his lip as he felt the slender arm that was the only thing keeping him aloft tensing and he prayed that his plan wasn’t about to misfire and send them both tumbling off the cliff.
Freed gently began to swing him, and Laxus had to swallow back the urge to throw up as the motion rocked him. He felt it first, the sudden jolt as the Rune mage’s shoulder finally gave out under his weight and his eyes flew to Freed as the younger man cried out in pain, their eyes meeting for a split second and he saw the sheer terror in the turquoise eyes as the fingers around his wrist lost their grip. He could hear Freed screaming his name above him as he fell, his heart aching at the sound even as an odd sense of peace settled over him…he had protected his partner, and that was all that mattered.
I’m sorry Freed…but at least you’re safe…

Fairytail Drabbles
AléatoireA collection of 5 Sentence Drabbles - a mix of fluff, angst, romance and everything in-between. The Ships/characters involved are written in the chapter titles.