These were his favourite moments, Gray thought to himself as he glanced down at the Fire mage curled against his chest, his partner’s warmth already lulling him towards sleep even as warm breath teased his skin, Natsu having fallen asleep nearly an hour before. It was rare that they got days like this, where they could just curl up and relax together without having to worry about work, or about the others disturbing them. The girls had gone on a mission together that morning, and Happy had taken one look at Gray and Natsu had chased after them and the Ice mage knew that he owed the Exceed a lot of fish for that decision. A soft snuffling sound drew his gaze back to Natsu, and a silly smile tugged at his lips as he watched the Dragon-slayer nuzzling against him with a childishly happy expression on his face, and warmth blossomed in his chest as he ducked his head so that he could press a gentle kiss to pink hair…yes he could definitely get used to days like this, he thought letting his head rest against the Fire mage’s, his eyes drifting shut as he hummed contentedly.

Fairytail Drabbles
De TodoA collection of 5 Sentence Drabbles - a mix of fluff, angst, romance and everything in-between. The Ships/characters involved are written in the chapter titles.