It had become a tradition of sorts that once a month the Raijinshuu would pile into the living room to watch a movie together on lacrima vision, even Laxus was banished for the night, heading to the guild to his grandfather. It was the one night a month when they allowed themselves to relax completely, and where the rest of the guild knew not to disturb them unless it was an apocalyptic emergency, as the last time someone had interrupted them for a silly reason they had ended up turned to stone for the rest of the night by an irate Evergreen. There was another part to the tradition though, and if asked none of them would confess to who had started it, but at nine o-clock sharp they would all turn up, not wearing their usual clothes but onesies they had brought jokingly for one another a couple of Christmases ago. Freed and Evergreen had paired up to buy Bickslow a truly terrifying one in the image of one his dolls, although it had backfired as a joke because of course the Skeith mage had adored him; Evergreen had bought the Rune mage a sandy-coloured Dragon onesie, a sly grin on lips whenever she caught Laxus staring at him when he was wearing it. Bickslow had been responsible for choosing Evergreen’s which had terrified both of them, but he had surprised them all by choosing a soft green one, covered in tiny fairies that she had squealed at the sight of.

Fairytail Drabbles
De TodoA collection of 5 Sentence Drabbles - a mix of fluff, angst, romance and everything in-between. The Ships/characters involved are written in the chapter titles.