Chapter I

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            “Freddie? Georgie?” I whisper as I open the door as silently as I can.

            I take a quick peek inside and hope that none of them is naked. Why would they be anyways? Being naked in front of his twin is just… wrong? They are still lying down in bed. They had the amazing idea to go to bed only few hours ago because, for them, ‘Sleep is for the weak’. It is really early in the morning since we were going to the Quidditch World Cup final between Ireland and Bulgaria.

            I walk closer to Fred’s bed and sit on the edge of it. He moves a bit but didn’t wake up yet. He was facing the other way so I take the opportunity to brush his now long hair gently. I lean over his back to have a better look at his face. He shuts his eyes and buries his face in the pillow. He then looks at me and smiles.

            “Analeigh.” He whispers with his low morning voice.

            I kiss his cheek and brush some of his hair off his face.

            “Morning sleepy head.” I reply.

            I keep looking in his eyes as my chin is on his arm. I keep playing with his hair slightly. I can see his eyes are getting heavier as he tries to keep them open. I stop and get up. I managed to wake him up, now is not the time to put him back to sleep. He rolls on his back and stretches. He is so tall that his feet and arms are longer then his bed. I walk to George who is still heavily asleep. He is on his back with his arms on each side of his head. I jump on him and hug him really tight which wakes him up roughly.

            “Good morning Georgie!” I say with a high pitch voice.

            He frowns and brushes his eyes with his fingers.

            “What the hell Ginny? You can’t just-“He looks down at me and a big smile suddenly appears on his face. “Analeigh!” He wraps his arms around me and hugs me back. I fall on his side but keep my arms around him. His left arm is now under me.

            “I sound like Ginny now?” I ask George.

            He blushes and looks at the ceiling. I laugh a bit which makes him start to laugh too.

            “Move!” Fred says before jumping next to me.

            The bed is really small but I manage to lay on my back as George –on my left- turns on his right side and Fred –on my right- turns on his left side.

            “Tell us what happened this summer.” George says as he places his elbow on the pillow and supports his head on his hand.

            “And in details this time. Last time you ‘forgot’ to mention your meeting with a Death Eater. Or at least the most important parts.” Fred adds.

            I roll my eyes and look up at the ceiling. I take a deep breath and let my memories flow back.

            “Dad, I’m going outside!” I scream as I run towards the front door.

            “Wait a second.” He screams from the kitchen.

            I stop, roll my eyes and gasp of annoyance. He walks into the living room with a towel in his hands and thrown it on the table. He puts his hands on his hips and raises his eyebrow.

            “Your wand missy.” He says as he stretches his hand towards me.

            “What? Why? I won’t use it. It’s just for… safety.” I reply.

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