Chapter VI

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            As much as I try to shoo the thought of George dreaming of me, I couldn’t make up my mind between kissing him with all the passion I have or ignore it and act like nothing happened. It is a really weird feeling to know that, for once in my life, I would want to feel loved or love someone. I do love George, but I love Fred endlessly as well. If only there was some sort of way to split my feelings. I want to know what it is exactly. Do I really feel love? Or is everything just a mistake from an unlived situation.

            I turn around in hope of founding out more about his dream. I unfortunately don’t see a nervous expression or a cheesy smile. I see sadness and a flicker of tears in his sweet brown eyes. I don’t need an explanation; I wrap my arms around his neck instantly and bring him close to me.

            “Please George. Don’t cry.” I beg.

            He hugs me so tight that I almost feel his nails go deep in my sides as he crushes my body to his. I burry my face in his neck. I know he likes it. I got the habit to do so because of him. He brushes his face on mine and kisses my cheek.

            “You were dead. You were laying there and you were dead.” He says as he tries to keep his composer.

            “I’m back Georgie. I never went close to death.” I try to reassure him.

            I see him shake his head and feel him grip me tighter. Too tight.

            “It wasn’t last night. It wasn’t you from last night. You were so weak. You were begging to die. I don’t want you to do that. I don’t want you to die.” He keeps explaining.

            “I promise you that I won’t leave you or Freddie. The day I will die is either for you or when I’ll be a hundred years old and in my bed.” I hesitate a bit and clear my throat. “When you suffer, I suffer.” I quietly tell him.

            I lean away slowly and he lets his arms fall on his side. He is looking down at the ground. After a few seconds of quiet sobs, he brings his hand to his face and whips a tear away. I grab his hand before and can put it in his pocket and kiss the back of it. I have an idea to make him smile. I push him on Fred’s bed and jump on top of him. I start to tickle him everywhere and he starts laughing.

            “Come on Georgie! Give me a nice smile and I’ll stop.” I tell him as I try to keep him from moving.

            I stop for a second and let him catch his breath. He looks at me with happiness in his eyes and gives me a nice and big smile. I get up and give him a hand.

            “That’s much better.” I say quietly.

            “You coming guys?”

            I look over my shoulder and see Fred waiting for us at the door. I look at George and wait for his answer. He suddenly grabs me over his shoulder.

            “Let us go then.” He says as he carries me downstairs.

            I cross my arms and shake my head. As we arrive in the kitchen, I see Hermione, Ron, Harry and Ginny laugh.

            “Again?” Hermione asks.

            I roll my eyes and nod. He puts me down and kisses the top of my head. I sit between him and Fred. I am not really hungry but I don’t want them to ask me any questions so I just drink the tea that Molly made me. I shock on my tea and put it down. They all turn towards me and stare at me weirdly.

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