Chapter IXV

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            He leans his face away from mine without breaking the distance my body has to his. I look at him as I wonder what went through his mind. He still has his eyes closed and he is breathing fast. I feel the tip of his fingers grab my waist hungrily.

            “At least Fred and I are tie now. It’s up to you now.” He quietly says.

            He takes few steps away and takes his time before taking his hands away from me. I almost feel dragged towards him and take a step forward to regain my balance. He goes back to the tree and sits next to Fred who doesn’t seem angry or sad. Walk away Analeigh. Just walk away. A voice that doesn’t sound like mine echoes in my mind. I start walking away backwards as I keep looking at them. I can’t possibly choose but I’m glad they understand. I feel a pinch in my heart as I remember the taste of their lips on mine. It is so addictive. After few seconds, I turn around and walk away faster. I have to get ready for the Triwizard Tournament and having stuff like this on my mind might not be the most helpful thing.

            “Analeigh?” Hagrid asks.

            I shake my head and realize that I was teaching Care Of Magical Creatures. I was day dreaming for the past few days because of the whole BlakeLake situation. I smile to let him know I’m listening. He smiles back and turns his attention to the class once more. I need to concentrate as well. It’s a lifetime opportunity and I can’t blow it up. I spot Harry as he mouths a clear ‘You okay?’. I nod and look at Hagrid to let Harry know that he should listen. I wasn’t okay but I had to be okay. I cross my arms and listen to him.

            “Nifflers are real gentle creatures. They sometimes like to destroy everything to find shiny stuff, ain’t I right Analeigh?” He asks with a big smile on his face.

            “Absolutely.” I reply as I walk towards him.

            “Hagrid, can we actually buy these stuff?” Ron asks.

            “I don’t think your mum would like that. They wreck houses pretty badly, ain’t I right Analeigh?” Hagrid asks me once more with the same smile.

            I can’t help but laugh a bit as I nod. I love the way Hagrid tries very hard to make me comfortable. After this, everyone paired up with a Niffler to find some Leprechaun gold. Hagrid told me earlier that the one who could find the most gold would be rewarded. Obviously, everyone started to search to get it but they didn’t know that it was just a large slab of chocolate from Honeydukes. Hagrid and I are walking around to see what everyone is doing and, as I’m walking, I see Goyle trying to keep some of the gold he found.

            “No need to steal it Goyle.” He jumps as he hears me so close to him. “Leprechaun gold disappears after few hours.” I say.

            He gives me a weird look and throws back the gold. Stupid little prick. I hate him and that annoying Crabbe.

            After a moment of search, Ron finally won the chocolates. Everyone left but Hagrid and me.

            “You did very well today Analeigh! I just wanted to know: what upsets you?” He asks as he pushes a stool for me to sit on.

            He sits right next to it and waits for me. He’s too sweet for me to leave so I agree and sit. I trust Hagrid so why not.

            “I’ve had something on my mind for the past few days and I’m truly sorry for drifting away today.” I reply.

            “Oh don’t you worry ‘bout that!” He says as he rubs my back. “What’s important right now is what is making you like that.”

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