Chapter XXIII

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            “This isn’t real Analeigh!”

            It sounds like an echo through the great hall. Everything is lighter then it was few seconds ago and Fred and George seem to be frozen in time. I get up cautiously with the help of the wall as I slide my back on it. I’m breathing quietly almost as if my life depended on it. If this isn’t real, then what am I supposed to do? All I can think of is what Moody told me. Choices are always difficult to make miss Lavinia! What sort of decision do I have to make? If I have to kill one of them, I can already sacrifice myself because I won’t do that. What exactly happened in my time of chaos? Remember Analeigh, remember!

            “Analeigh! Please stop!” George’s voice echoed in the air.

             I shake my head and stare at Fred. He was on the floor with his back on the wall –in the corner of a dark room. My wand was pointed at him. I drop my wand and take few steps back. As I back up, I see George standing on my right. Fred is breathing really fast and George was looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. I drop on my knees and look down at my hands. How could I do something like this? I wasn’t controlling myself. I wasn’t conscious. I didn’t mean to harm him or George. They are the only things I have left. Drops of water were hitting the back of my hands and I soon realize that they were my tears. I don’t want to look up and see discuss in their eyes. I don’t want to feel this again.

            A hand reaches my right shoulder and I see two figures sit in front of me. I manage to raise my head and see Fred and George close to me. I suddenly feel the tears run down my cheeks. I was sobbing. The unexpected happened. They throw their arms around me and pull me up with them. I was crashed between love and hope.

            What would’ve happened if George wouldn’t have been there? I would’ve probably killed Fred. If everything has to go this way then it will. Maybe it’s my conscious telling me that I have to pay for everything I put them through. Before I can slide back down and let them end this, I fall down and cry like a coward because that’s all I am: a miserable coward. The sooner they do it, the sooner all of this mess that I call my pathetic life will end. I wipe my tears away with the pack of my hand and sit back. I let my head fall back and meet the wall. I look up at the ceiling for a second as I can witness the flames coming back to life in their crazy dancing.


            I close my eyes but can still see the green light going at me through my eyelids.

            I open my eyes and thrown my hand over my heart. I squeeze my shirt and breathe like I have just been close to drowning. I sit up –since I was mysteriously laying down- and look around. I can feel liquid over my forehead and I know it is sweat.

            “Analeigh.” George says as walks to me and wraps his arms around my neck.

            This wasn’t real. What was it?

            I look over his shoulder and see Dumbledore standing next to other people from the Ministry. I want to be angry and I could but the satisfaction of seeing George sane and alive makes me defuse it quickly. I wrap my arms around him and breathe in the smell I love so much. I don’t know if I’ll be able to pass the last Task. This one definitely broke me.

            “I want to get out of here.” I say faintly to George even if I don’t know where here is.

            He nods and leans away but makes sure to take my hands in his. We pass Dumbledore. He puts a hand on my shoulder but I jerk it away quickly. I have lost them small amount of respect I had for him. We get out of the room I was in and I realize that we are in the Ministry of Magic. A long hallway covers with black tiles from the ceiling to the floor. I hear a long scream. My heart stops and I feel scared. This is not the proper setting for me to relax. I look on my right and see a window.

            “Analeigh, don’t…” George starts.

            I forget what he said and walk to it. I see Fleur laying on her back in a room similar to mine. Her eyes are closed but she shakes and screams like she’s awake.

            “What is going on?” I ask, breathless.

            George’s shoulder fall and he seems sad. Or terrified. Or both.

            “This was your third task. They drugged you few days ago with a heavy sleeping potion and took off the dreamless aspect of it only few hours ago. They said it was to test you mentally. Nobody knew about this, I got here because dad told me about some weird activities while he was working.” He explains.

            His voice is going up and down and it seems like every word makes him feel weaker and weaker. If it’s the third task then…


            My eyes tear up and my heart breaks. I run past George to the other half of the hallway. I press my palms on the glass and see Harry on a metal table with his hands restrained by hand cuffs. He is in the same trance Fleur is in right now. I catch Ginny’s gaze. She is being held back by Ron who hugs her close to her. She cries with a passion. She cries like it will make her feel better. I know that feeling. I step back as I feel my heart sink. It hurts. It hurts more then when I have these damn nightmares in the middle of the day. Am I in one now? I look up and see my reflection. I look miserable. My face is pale, my eyes are red and my cheeks seem to shine because of the rivers that are pouring down on them. My eyes are red. They are red and it’s not because I was crying. The white is still white. It’s the irises that change completely.


            I put my hand up in front of George so he doesn’t come closer. When I’m like this, I am dangerous. When I am feeling this way, I am capable of everything I usually fear. I need to get away from him and calm down.

            “I want to be alone.” I say more to myself then anyone else.

            I run away and push a door open my shoulder. The room is as dark as the stupid hallway I was in. There’s only one light hanging from the ceiling.

            I hit my forehead with my hands as I try to brush my hair away. I like the small pain I get from the hit so I do it several times. I feel a hand on my back. I grab the wrist attach to it and push him so he can fall in front of me. I want to be alone. I want to be alone. I need to be alone. I can’t see anything but dots and shadows. I can’t feel anything else but anger and bitterness towards myself. I get my wand out and point it at the intruder.

            “I said I wanted to be alone.” I hiss through my closed teeth.

            “Analeigh! Please stop!” George’s voice echoes in the air.

            I have heard that before. I shake my head and stare at Fred. He is on the floor with his back on the wall –in the corner of the god forsaken dark room. I drop my wand and take few steps back. What is happening? As I back up, I see George standing on my right. Fred is breathing really fast and George is looking at me with sympathy in his eyes. I don’t want to see this sympathy again. Not when I thought I have seen it before. I drop on my knees and look down at my hands. What is happening to me? Drops of water are hitting the back of my hands and I soon realize that they are my tears. I look up and expect to see discuss in their eyes. I don’t want to feel this again but I need to feel how real the moment is.

            They both stand in front of me. There is no hand that reaches my right shoulder. There is no hugs that make me feel crashed between love and hope. I understand why: because it wasn’t real. 

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