Chapter XV

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            I put my hand on their chests and push them aside. They back towards the bed and, as the back of their knees meet the bed, I make Fred sit and pull George on the other side. He sits down so his back leans on his brothers. Fred looks at me puzzled.

            “What are you…?”

            I press my lip gently on his to shut him up. I lean away instantly leaving him wondering why I didn’t give him more. I put my hands and Fred and George’s stomach right above their belts. I hear them gasp at the same time. I smirk and lean closer to their ears.

            “Close your eyes and relax.” I whisper.

            They do as I say and drop their shoulders as they put their trust in me. This amount of power I have over them makes me feel really good. I close my eyes and take a deep breath and smell their natural perfume. I feel excitement roll down my spine like a drop of water over my skin. When I open my eyes, I can feel my senses multiply: I slide my hand up their chest and can feel their pulls accelerate like I can hear them, they breathe deeply every few seconds and their temperature rises. I smile at the thought of them getting weak like they make me feel weak on occasions. I throw my left leg over Fred’s legs and sit on his lap. I put my hands on his cheeks and approach slowly. I tease him by letting my nose touch his. I make it slide up to the bridge of his nose and kiss it. His hands go to my hips carefully but he grabs them hungrily as soon as they are placed correctly. I breathe out as I feel his hands on a place I never thought he would ever touch me. I crash my lips to his and undress him in my head. He breathes heavily between kisses which makes me understand that he might not be able to keep a hold of himself for much longer. I feel his left hand slide down my spine and suddenly slip his finger in the back of my underwear. He is touching my but so gently it almost feels like a caress. I smirk in the kiss and lean away. I stand up in front of him and see his body draw to me. His back leans away from George’s for few seconds and falls back on it. His arms followed my movement but fell back on his side. He takes a deep breath and his cheeks turn red. His entire body seems like it turned to only flesh and bones. He looks paralyzed and weak. I am satisfied with the result so I move on to the next task. I walk around the bed and face George I take a step forward so our knees can touch. As soon as he feels the contact, I see a smile cross his face. I place my right knee on his side and steady myself over him by placing my hands on his shoulders. He narrows his hands to my cheeks and slides them under the hair that fell on my face. George pulls me towards him and takes the lead. His lips brush mine. He kisses me roughly the second after. I don’t even bother taking control of this: George knows what he is doing. His hands slide down from my cheeks to my neck and make their way to the side of my breast gently. I gasp as they stop there for a second. I can feel him smirk and he keeps going down by touching lightly my sides -which tickles a little- and stopping on my bum. He squeezes gently and I try to keep a moan to myself. He pushes me upwards to make my legs go on each side of him sit on his lap. I do exactly what he wants and, as soon as I sit correctly, I can feel the effect I have on him. I put my hand on top of his belt.

            “Oh god.” He moans out.

            I lean away and smirk. He can’t do anything now. He’s weak, just like Fred. I can see pleasure float from the bottom to the top of his body. George opens his eyes and looks at me with worry.

            “Your eyes!” He whispers as he places his hands on my cheeks. “They are red again.”

            I stand up quickly and fall on my knees as an excruciating pain hits me. I shut my eyes and try to control this suffering discomfort.

            I open my eyes.

            The pain is gone.

            Fred and George were standing in front of me.

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