Chapter XVIII

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            “Duelling.” Moody says as the bell rings. “You will be duelling today.” He repeats.

            Some students start to whisper to each other but stop soon enough. Moody hits his cane loudly on the ground to regain everyone’s attention. I look on my left and see Cedric smirking and sitting back on his chair. He looks at me and raises an eyebrow. He seems pretty happy today and I want to know why. I shouldn’t let my curiosity take the best out of me. The results are not the best usually.

            Moody tells us to stand up and go in the back of the classroom. We do as we are told and wait. He gets his wand out and, with one simple gesture, pushes all the tables and chairs away and creates a big space in the middle of the classroom.

            “We will duel here?” Vivian, a smart but narcissistic Ravenclaw, asks.

            “Is there any problem with this Miss Su?” He says rudely.

            I smile as I see Vivian’s expression getting swept away. I see Fleur and some of her French friends standing straight in a corner. Both of the schools have to take their classes with us now. I start to get closer to Viktor but I’ve never had time to talk to Fleur before. A simple good look for the first Task and that was it. I look at the other side of the class and see Viktor with his crew of mean looking Bulgarians. He catches me looking at him and smiles. I smile back and look down.

            “Since we have four champions with us today, I suggest we let them go first.” I look up and frown. “Girls against girls and boys against boys or we go randomly?” He says with a hint of amusement in his tone.

            I look at Cedric –who’s standing next to me-, I turn my head to Fleur and then I see Viktor. The four of us are just looking around at each other nervously. I’m pretty sure that this Tournament compares our capacities against the same thing and not against each other.

            “Randomly it is.” He says.

            He walks to Fleur who takes few steps back instinctively. He stretches his hand in front of her.

            “Your wand, Miss Delacour.”

            She looks at her friends but gives him her wand anyway. He turns his head towards me and, as his creepy and quite disgusting eye looks me down, takes few quick steps to me. I stand straight to show him that, compared to Fleur, I don’t fear him.

            “Miss Lavinia.” He says.

            I bite the inside of my cheek and hold my wand tightly in my hand before letting it go in his hand. Cedric gives it to him with no hesitation and Viktor simply gives him a suspicious look but hands him his wand. He goes back in front of the classroom and opens his hand. The four wands fly above his head and turn around. I try to keep an eye on mine but I quickly realize that I lost track of it. Moody raises his wand and the four others stop. He slowly aims it down. Two set of two wands facing each other. I see my wand but I don’t know who I’ll go against.

            “We’ll know who’s against whom with the incantation of your patronus. As last year students I suppose you have learned how to use the charm.” He says. “I want you to think about it now so your patronus can be revealed.”

            I look around and realize that the four of us are lined up net to each other and that the other students backed up towards the walls. Viktor on the left, Cedric on his right then me and finally Fleur on my right. I take a quick look at them and close my eyes as I think about Fred and George. Once I feel a warm feeling spread in my body, I open my eyes and see my lion roar out of my wand. An amazing elephant comes out of the one I am facing. It stretches its trump and lets a loud but prideful sound come out of it. I look at the other two wands and see a seahorse erupt from the wand and recreate the sound of an actual horse. A scorpion comes out of the other one. It claps its claws at the seahorse which stands its grown.

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