Chapter VII

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            As soon as George, Fred and I get out of the train, I say goodbye and walk away. Hagrid is welcoming the new students and I see Harry, Hermione and Ron say a quick hello to him. I go behind a tree and make sure that no one is watching. I apparate myself in the great hall and almost fall on professor McGonagall.

            “I’m sorry professor.” I say as I walk away quickly.

            I need to go to Dumbledore’s office as soon as possible. I don’t want this meeting to go on forever. Let’s not forget that Snape will be attending the reunion as well and that he hates being kept waiting for too long. I go through all of these corridors and stairs until I reach the statue that guards the headmaster’s office. Great. He forgot to tell me the password.

            “Well, Miss Lavinia, you walk extremely quickly these stairs.” I hear behind me.

            I look over my shoulder and see professor McGonagall.

            “I’m sorry professor McGonagall for the incident. Are you here to meet professor Dumbledore?” I ask and let her pass in front of me.

            “Every teacher is there for the meeting. Cauldron Cake.” She simply says and lets me walk up the stairs first.

            Every teacher? Why would all of them be there? I hope I didn’t get in trouble. In another way, school hasn’t started yet so I couldn’t possibly be in trouble… right? I walk up and see Snape, Dumbledore, Sprout, Sinistra, Burbage, Flitwick, Hooch and Trelawney around a big desk. I stop for a second as they all stare at me. Miss McGonagall puts her hand on my back and smiles at me. I walk next to her into the room. She tells me to go in the center where they keep looking at me up and down.

            “Have I done something I shouldn’t have headmaster?” I finally ask.

            He smiles and shakes his head. He walks closer to me and puts his hands on my shoulders.

            “It is your last year in this school Analeigh and I have been talking with the other professors about something rather special. Tell me Miss Lavinia: what do you plan on doing after Hogwarts?” He asks as he rubs my left arm.

            Now that the question is asked, I realize that I don’t know its answer. An Auror would be really nice. I shrug my shoulders and look at him. He smiles and walks towards his desk.

            “What we mean is that we would love to see you teach here when you finish your tests at the end of this year.” Professor McGonagall says as a big smile appears on her face.

            I look at her in disbelief. Me? A teacher? Oh that sounds amazing! I look around and see everyone –but Snape, obviously- smiling at me. I nod energetically as I feel tears of happiness build up in my eyes.

            “You have good grades in almost everything which leaves you the choice of the subject you’d like to teach. You’ll have to follow the current teacher for a moment to know how everything works of course.” Dumbledore adds.

            My knees are getting a bit weak at the thought of teaching students. Butterflies appear in my stomach at the thought of teaching Hermione, Harry, Ginny, Ron, Fred and George.

            “Care for Magical Creatures, Defence Against the Dark Arts or Charms will make me very happy.” I tell them.

            Flitwick smiles and claps his hands one time.

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