You go missing durring the war

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A/n: oh no


The dust hand finally cleared around Hogwarts and everyone feared the worst especially the ones laying about. Ron had reported that they couldn't find you in the dining hall amunst the injured  and soon Hermione's fears where confirmed when you were not with any of the others

Ha:"I should go look for her maybe she's just lost" Harry's voice shook as he spoke for he knew the truth that you had parrished protecting the school but he couldn't bring himself to say it allowed. Over the 6 1/2 years he had known you, you two where close almost inseprable. 

Hermione was shaking her body racked with fear and tears 

He:" I'll go with you" she managed to chocked out through a clenched jaw.

You and Hermione had been dating since third year and have been in love ever since infact you had promised Hermione a future together but the both  of you knew it was only a dream.

Now here we are, Hermione and Harry, turning over brick by brick just to find you 

Finally at the last large piece of the building you lay bloddied your wand had split in two.

She couldn't handle it so she screamed out in utter agony Harry holding her as the others piled out of the building and over to the scene.

You had died a hero.


I know,I know sad but the next one will be better i promise.

H.G imagine and preferenceWhere stories live. Discover now