They put you under the impero curse

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A/n: she has to zap you to break the spell

No One's Pov:

The dark lord has become angry and frustrated with the search for Harry Potter and his friends so he sent out some of his minions to find someone close to the group. And that's when they found you. You had gone to the Weasley's house over the last few weeks of summer and met your girlfriend Hermione Granger. You two had been a thing for a while but you kept it quiet only a few people knew of the relationship and were happy with it you where there the night they transported Harry and helped protect him and the others from the surprise attack. You stayed with the group until the wedding night the group decided to flee after the Patronus was sent you went searching for Hermione and found her and the others sneaking away.

Y/n:"Where are you going"

He:"Y/n" Hermione turned around and grabbed your hand pulling you into the shadows

Y/n:"What are you doing" Hermione looks you in your pleading eyes and caressed the side of your face.

He:"I have to go with Harry to finish something Dumbledor left for him"

Y/n:"You're leaving" she nods

He:"Yeah but I promise I'll be back" y/n stroked her arm

Y/n:"Let me come with you"

He:"It's too dangerous" y/n opened her mouth to speak but knew Hermione was right y/n nodded understandingly Hermione smiled sadly at the girl and brought her in for a sweet long last kiss after the kiss you rested your forehead on hers.

He:"I gotta go"

Y/n:"Okay" she let go of you she smiled sadly and kissed your cheek

He:"I love you"

Y/n:"I love you too" you and Hermione looked at each other one last time and she ran off to the boys you sighed heavily and run back to the wedding. you helped Mrs.Weasley and the others escape but before you could get away a death eater caught you by the collar and took you back to Malfoy manner where the dark lord was staying once you appeared there Draco Recognized you.

vo:"Draco do you know who this is" the man spoke in a hiss grabbing Draco by his collar, Draco looked at you again and whispers an apology before shakenly saying

Dr:"It's Hermione's girlfriend" Voldermort seemed surprised but smiled a sickly smile and released Draco he charged over to the death eater holding y/n.

Vo:"Girlfriend oh that's even better" He pulls out his wand and casts the Cruciatus Curse (Crucio) sending your body into a twisting mass of pain you scream out in pain as he lifts you from the death eaters grip.

Vo:"Tell me where they are" you remain silent only moaning in pain he asks again

Vo:"Tell me where they ARE" he shouts but again you stay silent he gets angry and throws you to the floor where you lay in pain he was about to do it again when a death eater comes rushing in.

De:"We found them" Voldemort smiles then look at you on the floor he raises his wand again.

Vo:" Imperio" the jet of light hits you and your eyes mist over

Vo:"Rise" you do as you are told he laughs wickedly and keeps his wand on you he turns to the death eater who entered.

Vo:"Where," He tells Voldemort who turns back to you

Vo:"Kill Hermione Granger and Ronald Weasley but spare Harry Potter now go"

he sends you off and moments later you land in the forest Hermione Harry and Ron stood in the middle looking around in all directions till Hermione spots you

He:"Y/n what are you doing her" you raise your wand at her 

Y/n:" Avada kedavra" you shout and a jet of green light erupts from your wand Hermione and the others jump out of the way missing the spell. the spell hit a tree causing it to die imidently sending it toppling over alerting the other death eaters.

Ha:"That's not y/n Hermione we have to go," Harry said Hermione looked over to the boys than over to you she raises her wand and sends a stunning spell hitting you in the chest breaking the curse.

He:"I'm sorry" she whispered then took the boys hands and apparated out of there leaving you knocked out on the forest floor.


H.G imagine and preferenceWhere stories live. Discover now