She explains Muggle things

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A/n: Fluff


It was finally holiday and my girlfriend agreed to come home with me, Y/n has never set foot in the muggle world and I was more than nervous to see what she would do. Her and I walked from the train sation to my parents car hand and hand her ye/c eyes grew big at the sightof m fathers car I smile and squeez her hand here we go. "ahh Y/n it is so nice for you to join us put her there" my dad sticks out his hand Y/n looks at it strangly bu takes it and gives it a firm shake my dad smiles and lets go busying himself with our trunks my mom smile and pulled y/n into a huge y/n gently hugged back but let go to hid behind me(Even though she's taller than me) after that I took her hand and led her to the car my mom helped my dad and got in afterwords.

Y/n:" so how does this fly?" she asked shyly to me i smiled at her cuteness and explained what a car is she smiled even wider and whispered "that's so cool" the car rid to my home was nothing but questions about muggle lifestyle and when we passed something she didn't know was she would point it out and ask me. as soon as we got to my house we unloaded our things and I showed her around. Once we entered my house her eyes grew even bigger.

He:" Welcome home love," i say and peck her on the cheek

Y/n:" this place is amazing Mione no gnomes" my parents looked at me troubled I send them a small smile and follow my wandering girlfriend into the kitchen she was over by the washing machine and watched it steam and beep

Y/n:" wow where do you hid the goblins," she says and taps the machine I giggle 

He:" Honey there are no goblins this is a washing machine it works on muggle technology"

Y/n:" technology wow" she gets up from the washing machine and walks over to the microwave and starts pushing button jumping when the machine jumped to life.

Y/n:" what's that!" she exclaims and moves away from the machine pointing her wand at it I quickly move to the Microwave and shut it off.

He:" it's a microwave dear it heats up old food anyway let's head upstairs alright," i say she puts her wand away, I grab her hand and lead her up the stairs answering every question she had about the muggle way. Eve as a pureblood Y/n was very curious about the muggle world and excited to learn about it which is why I love her so much. Her blood does not define her. 

H.G imagine and preferenceWhere stories live. Discover now