You show off and broom move

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A/n: and nearly fall off

No One's Pov:
it was no secret that you were a risk taker who loved dangered so in the middle of a Quidditch match during a particularly stormy day you thought it was a great idea to do a backflip and catch the snitch winning for Hufflepuff. It was half-way through the match and Hufflepuff was losing by 20 points to Ravenclaw and Y/n had just spotted the little guy and was chasing it her fingertips were inches away from grasping it so she decided to pull the little stunt. Y/n stood on her broom balancing it as the rain pelted every inch of y/n uniform she was close to it.  Y/n launched her self off the broom 20 feet from the ground flipping through the cold rain. the entire arena froze in fear as y/n flipped effortlessly through the sky her broom flying below her she grabbed the snitch and landed on her broom but she was starting to slip off the wet wood at a point she fell the audience screaming at the stumble but she caught herself and flew to the ground with the snitch clasped in her hands. "Hufflepuff wins!!" the crowd cheers and begins to flee to the field Hufflepuff swarmed over to y/n and congratulated her for the win she thanked them and the house swarmed to the common room to set up a small party for the win after they left Hermione walked over to her girlfriend with her arms crossed Y/n smiled  Hermione rolls her eyes and hits y/n on the shoulder. 

He:"You could have gotten killed!!"

Y/n:"I know I'm sorry but I won" Hermione scoffed and kissed y/n on the cheek y/n smiles again Hermione wraped her arms around Y/n waist Y/n  wrapped her arm around Hermione's waist.


H.G imagine and preferenceWhere stories live. Discover now