The beginning

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"Mom!! I'm going to be late, no time for breakfast!" I say to my mom while trying to get out of her grip.

"Nope, you need your most important meal of the day," she states to me as my twin brother Leo trying to go out the back door. While I'm dragged to the table.

Then "DAD" he shrieks, mom and I giggle at him as he is brought to the table " why father why?" he sighs

We all sit at the table for the and I quote ' most important meal of the day' after breakfast we all start to go to work and school.

"ok, time to go to the hell I call the school," I say with complete disgust as we got in the car.

================================== 10 min later ===========

We finally got to school, the place I will spend most of my time and life which sucks; I haven't even been here so most of the time I will be trying to find my way around.

We drive up to the front of the school to see how to get in then go to park the car, when we get up to the doors I smell the scent of other werewolves, thinking ' thank god I wore perfume ' just as we get in the lady at the desk says " hello how may I help you today"

"We need our schedule and lockers," I tell the lady.

" Ok then what are your names," she asks with a fake smile.

"Celeste and Leo Falconclaw " (do you get the reference ) I state with a matching fake smile.

" ok... Here you go... I hope you enjoy it here at Marion high school" she says going back to playing best friends on her phone.

We get to our lockers that are right next to each other. I see the locals looking at us with confusion ' I wonder why ' they all seem to think that we're human which is just what we wanted.

"Hey," an unknown student says with a growl.

"Hi?" I say as I'm confused as to why he's talking to us.

"Why are you here," he says in a less growl kind of voice.

" To go to school" I state coldly to him which he does not take nicely.

"Do not speak to me like that " he growls in my face as my brother grabs my shoulder.

I start to snarl at him but my brother puts his hand on my mouth before it gets out. He pulls me back to his chest and says " sorry for my sister she has the fight of a bull were here to get the last year of our education and then we're gone" he says WAY to calmly

The other guy just *tck* and walks away thank god. We get to class and I see an entire class glaring at me

But I've released that it's better to not bite the hand that your learning with, so I sit in the back of the room, faarrr away from everyone so maybe I can get some sleep, but of course as fate would have it  the guy that I meet in the hallway walks in

The entire class stops and bows there head except me as I already have my head no my desk, not like I would do it anyway

He sits dead center in the class and that kinda pisses me off he acts so high and mighty about it to like he the king I realize he the alpha and everything but still pisses me off

Omg this took me a week to write just one chapter but it's done finally yay so I don't know how long it will take me to write the next chapters but I'll figure it out bye~~(ft. chari  my proof reader and her horrible humor.)

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