The Home Life

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well, this is one kind of story and I hope you all like the book so far and you share with your friends, family, and pets so please like and comment on if its good or you see something that wrong but there shouldn't be so ye and her room up top

to the drama

so after we got to the house we all just went to bed to deal with it tomorrow or at least me. I heard my mom and dad talking for about an hour before I passed out.

the next day

"nnnnnnnnnnooooooooooooo" I scream as my brother flips my bed to the floor "why my beautiful sleep" I cry to my bro as he dies laughing on the floor I decide to try to kill him with a pillow that ends in a full out war of the pillow

10 minutes later

"*haha* I *he* so won" he wheezes to me

"*pant* no I *pant* won loser" I pant back

"well-" my brother starts

"no don't say anything." he is still staring at me" you  will just piss me off more and you know it" 

"why?" he smirks as he walks forward to try to get the answer.

"no, don't! ill get dad." I start to run as he comes after me. as we go through the house me and he sees mom and dad walking out of the study they see us running down the hall they retreat back into the study for the safety of themselves as we go past when I get to the backyard he tackles me to the ground. we roll around a bit and he starts tickling me on the grass and were both wet with the dew of the morning.

"so are you better now?" I question him as he sits on my back with me on my tummy "and can you get off my back fatass!" I yell at him

"no, you have not told me yet." he pestered "tell me ~" he sings 

"can't *Wheezes* breath" I wheeze out to him. he flings himself off me with concerned on his face 

"water~ please"I mewl as we go inside he disappears to the kitchen to get me some water. *Bang Bang* we hear from the front door "hum?" I hum to the door as my brother was not here I went to get the door. when the door open I was pulled in to a hug I felt sparks everywhere "oh!" I exclaimed.

 "thank god!" Hunter shouted at me I was very confused 'whats he doing here I thought he didn't want me' my wolf Lucy wines at that but that's what I got but hey when am right other than all the time don't ask anyone otherwise 

"thank god'? what are you relived about?" I ask him as he still hugging me "and why are you hugging me ?" I ask, he lets go and stand at his full height so I can't see his face without looking up and starts to walk away "um hey I asked you some questions" I yell after him

"sorry I got the wrong house" what he got the wrong house? what? I'm gonna- "sorry" 

"huh?" I'm taken back by his apology "your 'sorry'" I sneer at him "Bullshit your 'sorry' your rejecting me how can you be 'sorry' do you know how bad this hurts?" I ask with a face of pain 'I hope this makes him feel bad a little' i say to my wolf and she fully agrees with me. he looks at me 

"well that sucks"

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