The blame

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I'm so sorry it took so long to update things got in the way like school and work and friends and babies not mine by the way but I got to it and will try my best to update and get stuff to you guy so enjoy.

"why are you glaring at Ashley like that shes your luna!" he all but growled at the crowd and spat the name Luna at her she started to glare at the crowd back as they didn't stop. still hung on his arm she started talking like she was the Luna

"you all should show some respect!" she growls out to the school and they all growl back. She goes running but see that the jocks go to stand at the doors bearing their teeth at her they start to close into them and are not paying any attention to the alpha as he starts to shake as in he's going to shift I zoom my way to him as he starts to lift his head I put my hand on his chest and can see he is calming down.

"you need to go" I start to drag him out of the lunch room "faster come on" he lets me pull him out the room and to the hallway he is still shaking but its less than in there "are you better now?" I get pulled in to a hug with his face in my neck

"better now" he murmurs into my neck and it gives me the chills down my spine. we stay there for a few minutes he takes one more long sniff of my neck and let's go "we need to get in there before they do something to her" my heart starts to crack as he says that 

"ok let go save her than" I can see he heard the disappointment in my voice that I could not hide as we walk in to the lunch room we see her on the floor with bumps and bruises all over her and someone even wrote on her head 'not Luna' she starts to crawl towards Hunter 

"Hunter baby do you see what the traitors did to me!" she screams in the direction of the door as I walk back to the table with my friends "YOU!!!" she screams getting up and limping towards me "your trying to turn the whole pack against me aren't you!" she screams in my face and slaps me... 

we all hear a low growl from the door as he has not moved from when we walked in we see his wolf eyes flashing and is shaking he starts to sprout fur and everyone starts yelling to calm down but that seems to make him madder 

"hey you should go clam him down" Kaitlyn informs me 

"why would I do that?"I ask back as he starts to slink over to Ashley

"well he's your mate so it's like your responsibility" she reasons back 

"fine~" I cave and go to stand but as I'm going to stand up I'm held down by Ashley and she watches the chaos with satisfaction in her eyes she goes to stand up and walks over to Hunter he growls lowly at her as she waltzes her way to him he shifts (not into a wolf just his stance) and goes to lunge at her but I'm fast and drag him to the floor 

*wine* I hear him let out as we go down he ends up shifting as we hit the floor than a defining growl is heard all over the lunch room as he looks back to see me and when he sees me he starts to walk over the whole lunch room is dead silent as he walks over to me and stands over me... 


well this one is a little shorter than the other but the cliffhanger is needed but I hope your all patient and hope and pray I can get it up in a reasonable time so



and have a nice day~ bye~

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