Our Home

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After everyone gets back to the pack house well the front of the house we start to put our plan in action we put up the traps the wolfbane bombs and make sure not to trigger them we put all this up in a minute as we had them started already and we meet outside.

"Alright we have everything up and working so if they try the house they'll get wrecked so now on to the next part of the plan" I update everyone in the yard "now all we have to do is the fighting" I continue the plan is to ambush them around our pack lands we take silver weapons and spread out in the trees so its harder to see us as I get to my spot in the formation I get the signal to advance we start to draw them back with them looking like theirs scared we get to the end of the land rouges screaming about the forest being haunted  we see one wolf looking at the forest with interest but then just turns away we see all the rouges following him in some way we all look at each other and head back to the pack house we meet up after the whole thing 

"they aren't done" Leo states out after we dress we all look to him 

"what?" Hunter asks for everyone 

"that guy, at the end he looked right at me" he tells us all 

"wait he looked at you, really?" I ask he looks at me and nods as we all prosses this new information we all stay in silence just a little longer than needed but Hunter walks up to me 

"you don't have to be in that form anymore" he tells me I shift back to my human form with clothes only because they don't rip much in my half form and he walks up to me scanning me but only to make sure I'm safe after he checks me out he closes the distance he was closing to me and pulls me into a hug with his face buried in my neck and we just stay there as everyone goes into the house he just stays there I feel his light kisses in my neck going up to my jaw he finally reaches my lips and kisses me deeply "you scared me" he reveals 

"Why?" I whisper to him as he kisses back to my neck

"I thought he looked at you and It was a little scary to me" he whispers back to me after a few seconds he picks me up and walks me into the house than to his room where he just lays down with me still in his arms he turns the TV to a random channel and lays with me on him as he kisses my neck still I can tell my neck is swollen from all his kisses and he asks me one more time

"can I mark you now?" in just a whisper he kisses my soft spot and I let out a little moan as he starts to nibble there and I start to answer...


The next chapter is a chose you can read it but its only lemon so if you don't read it you won't miss much that I won't add in the chapter after it so has fun and...



and have a nice day

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