The hell

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As class gets going I'm still trying to block out the rest of the world when a paper ball hits my head.

"Stop" is all I say and. It. Goes. Silent. No joke it all dies down and the teacher asks

"Is everything okay miss. Falconclaw" and I lift my head off the desk and look her straight in the eye and go.

"No" and she gives me this look like 'do you have a death wish' or 'you are really dumb' and snaps and goes

"Well, what is the most important problem you had to interrupt and my class for." With that all too familiar fake smile.

"Well your class is throwing paper balls at my head and id like them to stop," I said with sass as to say you should not care.

"Do you even know what we are doing miss. Falconclaw " she states and the whole class looks to me for the answer.

"*sigh* you're doing exponents and the answer to what your doing is x+n-b=h
" (a sad problem I know) I say with a straight face and plop my head back on my desk when I'm done.

The whole class looks at me like I'm insane and looks at the board and see that she's right than they look to the teacher as she realizes it as well and looks to the new student as the whole class thinks ' how the hell did she do that' and the class goes on.
—————————————————————————2 classes later ————————

Finally its lunch I see most of my classmates are going with each other in couples and I realize there all mates and are disgustingly cute all except the asshole that sits In the middle of class yet fails to talk to anyone I get he's the alpha's son but hell does it kill to talk to people but hey not my place I seem it raining outside and it looks as tho its not stopping any time soon.

I go sit with my brother and we just reflect on the shit day I've had. Well, just mine he had a great day he even found his mate but has yet to tell her. then we go and pity me for the shit day I've had.

After the rant at my brother, we go to the last class of the day and Hess what it is ... PE yay I have physical education for my last class oh joy. ( do you feel the sarcasm)

We have to do laps first so we're all doing laps till the alphas son decides to play a little game called 'bump the new girl' and yes the new girl is me so when it's his turn I just dodge and he almost falls and I go " hum? did you miss something"

All the guy's lowly growl at me but I don't care and keep jogging after the eternity we had to jog we stop and actually do something, and then something is dodgeball yay.

Let me tell you one thing that happened ... I was out FIRST and when I did get in they just hit me as soon as I got out of line. Then I thought 'why am I still playing with them?' And my wolf replies 'you don't have much of a choice this is school' and I realize she's right 'god dam it' and it continues for the next hour.

Yay, I'm home. Oh shit, I fucked up now. My parents stand there with a scowl on there faces looking at me." What did I do now?" Is the first thing out my mouth when I'm inside.

They say in sync "you are grounded missy" then there's a small 'why?' In the back round and it continues "we got a call from the principle that you had talked back to a teacher."

I just say "oh" and go to my room for the night after yelling " NIGHT" to the house.

So it's done I hope you enjoyed it so
And stay tuned folks

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