The Punishment in play

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well this is a chapter with little fluff but he gets his due and sorry for the wait i had a bad case of writers blocks

"how long was that again?" I ask with a smirk on my face looking at Hunter and Leo "hum?" both of there heads are down looking at the ground

"well hunny I think Celestes got this we need to finish dinner" mom drags my dad out the room he made a look like' wait what' then 'my baby!!!' we look at the door for a few more seconds and I get back into the look of punishment my brother pats Hunter on the back

"good luck man" he looks to me" well dear sister I believe I have a room to clean" he smiles at me I put my finger to my chin

"hum? you do don't you, well go then" I command he sprints up the stairs to my room and I turn to Hunter he looks so confused as I start to cackle at him "oh dear Hunter we have to set some ground rules here" I start to circle around him he looks as though any sudden moves hell bolt out the room " rule one: no touching I can touch you but one little brush of a hand or flange the punishment will start over" he looks kicked and is pleading with his eyes to stop " rule two: you can look but if you talk about me to anyone I will find out and it will start over" he looking at me with teary eyes "last and final rule: no telling anyone of the punishment or it will start over got it" he is almost passed out on the floor

"but why?" he gets out

"well, it's only a few weeks you can survive" the tease is clear and I'm not done "it starts as soon as you get out my house" he looks hopeful for a second and my mom comes in

"alright dinners done Hunter are you staying for dinner?" my mom asks he look hopeful and opens his mouth to respond


"he can't stay he has some stuff with the pack to clean up right Hunter" I cut him off and give him the look 'do it' and he just shakes his head in a yes motion and starts walking to the door with his head down and I fallow him to the door as my mom gets out of view but before we get there he pins me to the wall and I can feel his lips on mine he moves so aggressively it makes my mind goes blank he asks for entrance and I give it to him his tongue enters my mouth and leaves nothing untouched and pushes me harder in to the wall but a knock on the door breaks the tension but we don't move for a minute but I twitch and he lets me off the wall I fix my self and open the door and a man 

"I'm here for Hunter" he looks me in the eye and says 

"well hi to you too" I mutter and Hunter comes up behind me and looks at the man and has a panic look on his face and slams the door in his face "what was that for?" I ask he looks at me

"um... he was part of the pack " he whispers out 

"ok and why did you slam the door in his face?" I ask 

"I don't want to go back" he mutters out to me and stalks towards me as I back into the door he sweetly kisses me and I melt into it but the guy at the door knocks on the door again but he didn't stop and just keep kissing me all of a sudden the man bangs on the door and it shakes he stops and growls into my mouth and I can't help but moan into him he smirks but the door starts to give way he growls again and picks me up before it gives and the man opens the door and I'm on my feet as it opens 

"we need to go, Hunter," he states 

*sigh*" fine ill be out in a moment" the man walks out the door and shuts it "bye beautiful" he says before he shuts the door and his punishment starts 

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