Brothers or Pack Mates

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as I walk home and Micco starts to talk to me

'well they smell of the pack and I think they're all boys' she tries to comfort not just me but I know she's trying to put us both at ease but it's not working 

'but they don't smell right what is that smell anyway?' I ask back we walk into our house with mom making dinner and dad trying to get a taste test I can hear the giggling from the door and I can feel my brother he is in his room but I don't think he's doing anything as soon as I start up the stairs I can feel him move he's awake that's for sure he can feel me through the link he moves to his door as I get there he pulls me in the room and to the bed with him and I feel the tears start to fall he says nothing as we sit there and I cry on his shoulder he is just hugging me until I start to calm down 'what am I crying for?' I ask myself and my wolf 

"do you want to talk about it?" Leo asks I know he's just playing concerned  brother but I giggle a little 

"problem there I can't remember what I'm crying about" I confessed but it puts me off my grove to be like this 

"well whatever it was its gone now just get some rest ill call you in tomorrow" he offers 

"but -" he was having none of that and just picked me up and walked to my room 

"Just sleep, tell me tomorrow..." He coos and I give in and go to sleep till I'm awoken by a big smash from down in the living room I look at the clock and its late in the day I know I had school and the bang seemed important but I couldn't care but the bang happened again so I got up changed in to PJ's and went to the stairs to see what was happening when I saw my brother and mate in a wrestling on the living room carpet 

"HEY!" they stop midair "WHAT do you think you're doing?" I ask with a deathly calm voice they both look at me with fear the most pungent odor in the room next was lust? I and my brother look at him with a 'really' face my mom and dad walk into the room and growl at Hunter and my brother as I'm just standing there with this disappointed look on my face looking at Hunter

"what is going on in here?" my father asks in the same tone of voice as me as my mom stand there with her arms crossed and looking at Leo with the 'get over here' she does and we see him slink over to her as dad is scolding Hunter for the 'lusting in my house' his words not mine the sound in the room is small like the radio playing a soft song but I break the silence 

"why are you here anyway?" I ask he looks at me with a grin 

"well-" smack my father hitting him upside the head "fine I-I wanted to s-see you" he stutters as my dad gives him a death glare 

"ok but you can't touch me" my family looks at me funny I give them all a look "the punishment for fighting at school" they all seem to get it now 

"well that seems like torture to me" my dad says 

"why?" I ask I've never seen my dad shiver like that 

"well if I couldn't touch your mother but she's right in front of me it be like you and your sweets you can see them just not eat them" oh that's how it is I give Hunter a devilish smile and

"how long was it again?"


omg 300 views I know, not all are from people that like the book but thank you all for reading my book to this point and I hope you all 



and have a nice day

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