I Heard some Shit

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she starts to squeal at us like a teen with a new pet shes bouncing around and yell "FINALLY" over and over again I start to get up as she doing this but I'm pulled back to the bed 

"hey wha-" he cut me off with his hand on my mouth 

"sh" he lowly say in my ear and it sends shivers down my spine and we just watch as she celebrates and squeals everywhere and it makes so much noise that the alpha opens the door he glances at his mate then looks around the room scanning  everything his eyes land on us and he gets that 'I told you so' look on his face I know its not for me so I look at Hunter well I try he buried himself in my head I giggle quietly 

"Oh hunny did you see" points to me " that's his mate can you believe it?" she asks for the hundredth time and its still going he walks up to her and wraps his arms around her as she is still gushing 

"sh can't you see there not ready what are you doing we have to stuff to do," he tells her in a soft voice and he drags her out but not without winking at us as he closes the door I know I turned a bright red at that I can feel Hunter chest shake as he sees my face I just turn reder and stick my tongue  and he looks at me with a perverted smile that makes me melt (sadly) and kisses right on my lips please take in mind my tongue is still out it gets heated fast but...

"ah no stop" I hear it but I can't think where did it come from "Hunter" oh it's me "Hunter" I try to get my mind straight with my voice 

*hum?* I hear in my ear 

"stop I'm not ready, please" he stops in his tracks I can feel his heavy breath on my neck as I know he can feel mine on his chest as well but we don't move till a bang on the door is heard he volts out of bed with lightning speed and gathers my clothes I get up and get dressed he pushes me to the window he follows me out he starts to climb down and I follow and as we get to the ground we hear the door hit the wall then nothing Hunter shifts and tries to link me I let him in

'we need to move' I hear him say

"why?" I ask with concern 

'ill tell you on the way get on' he commands me I hop on as he runs into the forest we hear what sounds like a stamped of horses come out of the house and follow us we are still running when we hear a grunt then we see the town and I get thrown off of him 

"Hunter what..." but it dies on my tongue as I see 3 big wolfs behind him

'go home ill tell you tomorrow' I hear and he turns as they start back to the pack house 

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