Part 1: Intro

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"Steve? Steve! Are you even listening to me?" asked Bucky and he rolled his eyes as I jumped up with a startled look on my face. "I said do you know where we have to go for our first day? Well night really."

"Oh... no. I'm sure they'll be a sign somewhere," I said trying to keep my eyes open. It was our first day starting at Avengers Academy and  I had to drive us all the way from Brooklyn to Manhattan. I was so excited I had hardly slept all day. "Are you nervous?"

"Nah. I'm sure we'll get to share a dorm or whatever and it'll be cool," said Bucky and he rested his head against the window. "I wonder who's joining this year." The thought of sharing a dorm with a complete stranger kind of scared me. For all we knew we could be sharing a room with one of the SHIELD Academy students, one of the trainers or maybe even another Avenger trainee. "Maybe they keep all SHIELD students together and all Avenger students together."

"I don't know Buck. SHIELD's a massive organisation. There could just be complete strangers... well... we're here," I said and I pulled the car into the only free space. As we were starting to get out of the car, I could feel my legs trembling with fear and excitement. We both stood there speechless. In front of my eyes there was a black towering fence that looked like it went on for miles; a giant print of the SHIELD logo was printed across the whole floor and last but not least, the building itself. It was a beautiful red brick and cream mansion that had coloured triangular  windows every few steps. "We're going to be staying there," I mumbled to myself. It was so gigantic I was sure I was going to get lost in it. "I was right... there's a notice board over there!" I picked up my two suitcases and I hobbled over and through the gate to the notice board. "It has who we're sharing our dorms with and our room number!" Bucky gave up on trying to carry his bags and ran over.

"Where's my name?" he screamed in excitement. I pointed to his name as it was close to the top of the list. "Room 12 with... Peter Parker? I swear he's like a kid."

"Yeah and we're like a hundred," I said with a laugh. I finally found my name but I could hardly focus because I was so nervous. I traced my name along with my finger. "Room 17 with... Anthony Stark! Oh my God... I was reading about him... Bucky! That's Tony Stark right!"

"Damn! I've heard he's kinda dick in person," said Bucky. "His parents are rich alright."

"What was that?" said a loud voice from behind. We both slowly turned and there he was himself. Tony Stark. His rose red jumper and his jet black trousers had me staring at him in shock. His combed dark brown hair matched his puppy brown eyes and I could feel my cheeks were scarlet. "Would you like to repeat yourself James?"


"How did I know your name?" he said completely cutting off Bucky. "I know all about every Avenger trainee and everyone here knows about your HYDRA psycho thing." He then turned his head to me and he took a step closer to me. "And the super soldier himself ay?" 

"Y-Yes... sir," I said pausing. He smirked as I called him sir. 

"Steve isn't it?" said Tony and he looked me up and down in approval. I nodded. 

"W-We're together... sharing a dorm," I said trying to sound calm. 

"Oh really... well let's go then. If we're not there in the next 10minutes we get in trouble," said Tony. I looked at Bucky and he rolled his eyes at me. "Well are you coming then Steve and... friend of his... hurry up then." We both walked next to him silently and he looked at us both and he sighed. "Well is anyone going to say anything."

"D-Do you know where we have to go?" I asked nervously. 

"To the dorms. Were you even listening to me Steven," said Tony and he pushed on the giant, heavy oak door but nothing happened. "I think it's locked." I pushed it for him and it opened after a bit of force. 

"It's just extremely heavy," I said and his face dropped as Bucky started to giggle. 

"Shut up," grumbled Tony as he stepped through the door. It looked a bit like an ordinary high school with classrooms and a library but it was just a lot bigger. We followed the sign leading us towards us dorms. "Ugh, we have to go up the stairs." I watched them both struggle to drag their cases all the way up the stairs and I smiled to myself. 

"Do you want me to help you guys?" I asked.

"No!" snapped Tony quickly. "I'm fine... anyway you said room 17 and it's here." I opened the door for him and we both walked in. 

"Hey Buck, text me how things are going for you," I said just before I shut the door. "What bed do you want?"

"The one on the right," said Tony and he dumped his stuff down. "What's that sheet of paper on the desk?"

"There's two," I said and I picked them both up and glanced at them. "They're our timetables." Tony jumped up and took his from my hands. He looked back and forth at mine and his and he nodded. 

"We're basically in the same class for everything," said Tony. "I can't wait to see if there's any hot people."

"Yeah," I said and I sat down on my bed and sighed. 

"Did you see that cute red head by the door when we came in?" asked Tony and he jumped back onto his bed and winked. "Hehe."

"Oh... yeah," I said. 

"Or that kind of small guy with the cardigan. He was cute," said Tony and he shut his eyes. I jumped up in shock. 

"You like guys?" I asked.

"I though you would've known since you were fanning over me outside. Everyone knows I'm bi," said Tony. I felt my cheeks burn red and I turned my head so I was facing the wall. "Are you going to sleep now? It's like 8pm."

"Um... no. Just checking... the wall," I said. I wanted to kick myself so hard. I heard him laugh to himself on the other side of the room. He started to unpack his stuff and as I turned back a few minutes later, his clothes were all over the floor and his gadgets and books were all over the desk. "Tony! What have you done!" I cried and I jumped up and started picking up all of his clothes and putting them into one pile in the corner of the room. "We have to keep the place clean okay."

"Calm down grandpa," said Tony calmly. "Why don't you text that James or whatever his name is? I have to call my Dad quickly and it'll all be good." He took his phone and slid out of the room. 

The second I messaged Bucky he replied almost instantly.


ME: Hi. Is your place good?

BUCKY: This Spider Kid is hyper

BUCKY: He knows all of our names... but he seems cool.

ME: Aw, he sounds sweet. Tony's so messy.

BUCKY: You still fanning on him?

ME: No... 

ME: Did you know he's bi?

BUCKY: Yes! Everyone knows Steve. 

ME: Oh! Anyway, goodnight

BUCKY: Yeah, goodnight. 

Tony slowly dripped back into the room and he looked upset. He kicked off his shoes and as he slid under the covers I saw him throw his shirt on the floor. "Tony?" I asked. He rolled over and looked at me. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah... my Dad... it's complicated," said Tony.

"I worked with your Dad Tony. No matter what he says, he's proud of you," I said. 

"He always spoke about you... even way after you had gone... and now you're here," said Tony. "Strange."

"Yeah it is," I said. "Well, goodnight."


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