Part 3: The Date

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I spent the whole of engineering listening to Tony talking to Bruce about Pepper and it just made me want him even more. He was talking about her like she was everything even though they'd only just met. He wouldn't shut up about her hair and he would give me that look as if he knew it was irritating me to listen to it. 

But now it was time to meet Kailey and Gemma with Bucky and I just had to get through that with out falling asleep. At this point of the day I could hardly keep my eyes open. I knocked on Bucky's door and he opened it quickly. "How's my hair Steve?" he asked.

"It's fine Buck. So where are we going?" I asked. 

"I was thinking the dance club's not far by," said Bucky. "It's literally down the road to this... Academy." We both went over and Bucky knocked on the door whilst I stood against the wall. "Come here Steve." I stood next to him and out came the two girls. One of them had light brown hair and glasses and she was dressed quite smart whereas the other girl had blond hair and a bright tight blue dress on. "Wow," said Bucky and he went up to the brown haired girl and kissed her on the cheek and she blushed and giggled awkwardly. I put my hand out to Kailey to shake it but she pulled me close to her and hugged me.

"Oh... erm hi," I said awkwardly.

"Hi!" she squealed. She seemed to be quite bouncy and lively. "So pleased to meet THE super soldier himself!" She giggled after every word she said. I looked at Bucky and he put his thumbs up as I shook my head.

We all walked off campus together. Bucky and I walked in front and Kailey and Gemma walked behind us talking quietly. "I think she really likes you," said Bucky quietly. 

"Yeah... I'm just not feeling it. I'm really tired Buck," I said. 

"You're not bailing are you!" cried Bucky. "No! You can't!"

"I really don't want to go dancing. Can we just sit outside the Academy?" I asked. Bucky sighed.

"Fine. We'll go back and sit around," said Bucky disappointed. "Come on girls, we're going back because Mr Rogers here doesn't like fun." 

We all sat outside the Academy on the steps and we just looked up at the stars. Bucky had his arm around Gemma and was telling her his war stories while I was just sitting there in silence. "Steve? Do you want to go upstairs?" asked Kailey. "You look tired." I nodded and she took me by the hand and led me through the doors. I walked her to her door and she pulled me into her by my jacket and before I could even move, she had her hands wrapped around the back of my head and she was kissing me. I quickly dodged a foot back and I must've looked like I had seen a ghost. "What?"

"I-I didn't... didn't want to do that... I'm sorry," I said. 

"That's what I mean by 'go upstairs'" she said and she rolled her eyes and laughed.

"On the first date?" I asked shocked.

"I wouldn't have exactly called this a date," she snapped. 

She shut the door behind her and my heart was still pounding through my chest. I quickly paced back to my dorm but by the door Tony's tie was lying in the doorway and I rolled my eyes. How could he be so messy that he leaves his clothes at the door. I picked it up and I slowly opened the door but I could hear a girl and it sounded like she was moaning or crying. I didn't really know. "Tony?" I asked. I took a small step in and I could see Tony on top of Pepper shirtless and he was pinning her down by her arms. "TONY! What's going on?"

"Steve!" he cried in shock. He quickly rolled over. "Did you not read my text?"

"No," I said. "What are you doing?"

"What do you think!" cried Tony. "And did you not see the tie on the door?"

"I-It was on the floor. I-I'm sorry. I should go," I said and I ran out I heard him call my name but I couldn't go back in there. Not after I'd just seen that. It felt weird. 

I sat down on the stairs and I put my head down in my arms and I shut my eyes for a few moments. It felt nice to be alone for a bit and to clear my head. I just didn't want to have to see anyone until tomorrow. I should probably just wait until everyone's asleep before I go back to my room. 

I must've been there for an hour and I could feel my phone buzzing in my pocket but I didn't even bother to check who was calling. Today just felt like a disaster. "Rogers!" I turned around and Fury was standing there at the top of the stairs. "Go back to room. It's almost 11pm!"

"Oh, sorry sir. I didn't realise," I said getting up.

"Everything okay?" he asked.

"Yeah," I said as I walked past him. I opened the door to my room quietly and  the darkness was blinding me. I couldn't even see my own feet. I threw my shirt in the closet and I slid into bed. I could feel moving next to me and I froze. The sheets were kind of warm and I shut my eyes not knowing what to do. I wanted to call Tony's name but I was too scared. Then all of a sudden, the flashlight of a phone shone into my face. "Tony? Why are you in my bed?"

"This is my bed!" cried Tony. I looked to the opposite side of the room and I sighed. 

"Sorry. I didn't realise. It was dark," I said. He turned on the light switch and his face blushed pink when he saw I wasn't wearing a shirt. 

"Steve... I didn't mean for you to see that," said Tony as I sat on the edge of his bed. "I don't even know why I did that. It just felt... better."

"Maybe because you like her," I said and I looked down. 

"Maybe. I don't know really. It's not just her though you know," said Tony and he put his head down on the pillow. 

"Yeah, " I said and I looked at him. "The date didn't go well."

"What happened?" asked Tony sleepily. 

"I don't know. She was just. Ugh," I said. "Her name was Kailey."

"Wait a second! That really hot blond girl!" cried Tony and he sat up quickly. "Steve! What is wrong with you. You must be crazy to turn her down!" I laughed and looked down.

"Yeah... crazy huh," I said I went over to my bed and I lay down facing him. "I don't think I want to date any girls... for like... ever." Tony laughed.

"You'll have to at some point Steve!" 

"No. Not really."

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