Part 4: The Kiss

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"Steve! Wake up!" yelled Tony. I woke up with his warm soft hands shaking my shoulders awake. As I slowly opened my eyes, his hands stayed put on my collar bones and I tried my best not to smile. "Your friends at the door... he fucking woke me up." He looked me up and down before slowly letting go, making me speechless. I stared for a few more seconds before he gave me a weird look. 

"Oh... sorry," I said. I quickly ran to the door as Tony went back to his bed with a huff. I went out into the hallway where Bucky was waiting for me. "Why are you up so early? It's Saturday," I said rubbing my eyes. 

"You left Kailey!" cried Bucky. "How?"

"No... she wanted to sleep with me and I said no," I snapped as I crossed my arms. "Is that okay with you?"

"I just thought you would've... mine wasn't great either," said Bucky and he sighed.

"She wasn't really into me. She just kept on talking about this Leo Fitz guy who likes science," said Bucky. "Anyway, I'm sure I can find us two more who'd like to hang out with us. Is that cool?"

"Look Buck, I don't think I really want to be dating any girls," I said and I looked down. I knew I had to tell him and my hands were starting to shake. 

"What? What do you mean?" he asked confused and he put his hand on my arm. "Come on Steve. Tell me what's up."

"I-I-I'm..." I froze and he stared at me just waiting for the next word. I put my arms around his neck and I put my head on his shoulder. A few tears fell from the corner of my eye onto his shirt and he asked me again. "I don't like girls Bucky." I felt both of his arms wrap around my back and squeezed me tightly.

"You're gay... Oh Steve, it's okay," he whispered in my ear. "You should've said sooner! Like how many dates have I forced you to come on." I lifted my head up and laughed. 

"A lot. I'm sorry Buck," I said. 

"For what? I'm the one that should be sorry. I'm your best friend and I never even realised," said Bucky. "Damn! It was so obvious too."

"I should've told you sooner. I was too scared," I said. "Nobody knows." I completely dried my eyes on his shirt and we both laughed a little bit.

"Wait so... what guy do you like then?" asked Bucky with a smirk. "Hmm. Let me guess." He pointed at mine and Tony's names on the door and my face went bright red and I froze.

"I- uh..." I stuttered.

"It's okay Steve. Just go back to bed," said Bucky with a smile. As I walked back in the room, I felt different. I felt better. Tony rolled over and looked at me sharply.

"Why are your eyes red?" asked Tony.

"I'm tired," I said and sat down on my bed. "So... what are you doing today?"

"I don't know Steve! It's 11am!" he cried. "I guess, we could hang out."

"Wait... really?" I asked excitedly. He looked at me like I was crazy and he laughed. 

"Yes, really. I mean we might as well if we're going to be sharing this dorm for a long time," said Tony. "But maybe in an hour or whatever." Today might be the perfect day to tell Tony. After telling Bucky I felt so much better and I just wanted to one person I actually liked to know. 

After a few hours of lying around on our phones we started to get ready. I quickly rummaged through my clothes trying to find my best clothes and then Tony came up next to me and pulled up my coat. "It's supposed to rain today," said Tony. He pointed to my white V-neck and smirked. "I like that one!" 

"Hm do you?" I said. I walked over to his wardrobe and pulled out a flannel shirt. "And I like this one." 

"Huh. I'll wear it then," said Tony. "But you better wear what I picked Steven." 

"Okay Dad!" I said and I laughed.

"Please Steve. Save the Daddy talk for later," said Tony trying really hard not to laugh.

"What?" I cried. "Tony!" He clutched his stomach giggling and I shook my head at him. I could tell today was going to be fun. He looked back at me with his kind of innocent eyes and he smiled. We both looked down awkwardly laughing. "Okay... well I should change." I went into the bathroom and when I came out Tony was already dressed and was playing with his hair.

"Finally! I've been waiting to use the mirror for ages!" cried Tony.

"I was in there for 3minutes," I said.

"3hours!" said Tony and he ran past me grinning to himself. 

"Hey, like the shirt?" I asked.

"Yeah, not bad," said Tony before he shut the door. 

20minutes later Tony came back out and his hair almost looked exactly the same. "How did that take you 20minutes?"

"What do you mean? It took like 5minutes!" said Tony and he looked at his watch. "Oh... never mind. Wow, it's already 4pm. Let's get going. It gets dark around 5pm now a days." 

We both walked out of the campus doors together but neither of us realised how cold it really was. "Wow, that's cold!" cried Tony.

"Yeah I know. Do you want my jacket?" I asked nervously. 

"No, no. You keep it Steve," said Tony. "Do you just want to sit on the benches and talk." I nodded and we both went and sat down. The sky was starting to go dark and you could see a few stars glistening in the sky. The breeze of the wind against my face was making my nose go red and my hands shake. Tony was sitting really close to me to keep warm and no matter how many times I asked him if he wanted my coat, he would just shake his head and get even closer to me. 

After an hour of talking, it finally started to rain heavily. "Hey Steve... can I ask you something?" asked Tony.

"Yes, anything," I said. "And if it's can I have your jacket, it's yes."

"Who do you like?" asked Tony laughing.

"I-I don't know Tony..." I said and I paused. "But I do want to tell you something. I told Bucky today and I just want to tell my other best friend too."

"I'm your best friend?" asked Tony with a small smile. 

"Yeah," I said. The rain had completely flattened his hair and water was dripping down his cheeks like tears. The sky was pitch black now but I could still see him perfectly.

"I know we've only known each other for like a few days, but I...," said Tony and he paused. He slowly put his hand on my cheek and waited. I put my arms around his waist and I slowly pulled him in so our lips were a few centimetres apart. Our eyes met before we shut them. 

"I-I'm gay," I whispered.

"I hoped you were," said Tony quietly and he brought his soft lips upon mine. His hands ran through my soaking wet hair as he brought his tongue against mine. He mumbled my name as I broke apart and ran my lips down his neck softly. He tipped his head back as I got further down his neck. "Should we go back upstairs?"

"Not like a Kailey 'go upstairs'?" I said.

"No. But I still want to make out with you," said Tony. 

"And you're wearing my jacket no matter what you say!" 

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