Part 6: The Third Date

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"God that test was a nightmare," I said to Tony as we walked out of class together. 

"Ha ha. Come on Steve, it wasn't that bad," exclaimed Tony and he nudged me playfully. "Hey, is that Bucky talking to Nat?"

"Yeah it is," I said. "Hey look, I need to catch up with Buck real quick. Meet you back the dorm?"

"Yeah sure," said Tony. I ran up to Bucky and I hugged him from behind and Natasha smiled at me.

"Steve!" cried Bucky excitedly. "This is my... friend Natasha. We're studying together later."

"Ah yes. I've met Natasha before," I said. "Buck we really need to talk." 

"See you at 6," said Bucky to Natasha and he winked at her before we went into his empty dorm. His room was even neater than mine but I blame Tony for that. "So... Tony came by yesterday."

"What did he do?" I asked as we sat down on his bed. 

"He wanted to know where you'd like to go out for a bit. I said library or food," said Bucky. "So you two are together?"

"Yes... but you can't tell anyone," I said. "I don't want anyone knowing."

"I'm happy for you Steve. He really likes you. It even sounded like he loved you. You got the one you wanted," said Bucky. "Now go and take him on that 3rd date."

"Wait? How-"

"Of course I know your three date rule silly," said Bucky "How long have I known you!". I laughed as I left and to go and find Tony. I walked into our room and he was lying on my bed with his phone clutched to his hands. He glanced up at me as I walked in and he put his phone down. I shut the door behind me; I threw my jacket off and he traced me with his eyes like I was everything. I slowly slid myself on top of him and he shut his eyes and smiled.

"Oh my Steve," whispered Tony.

"I want to take you on the third date today," I said as I played with his hair. His eyes opened quickly and a giant smirk came across his face.

"Really?" asked Tony.

"Yeah of course I do," I said. "So where do you want to go and I'll take you?"

"A-Are you sure you want to do it?" asked Tony and he gripped my shirt as I gently kissed his jaw line. 

"I do if you do," I said. He paused for a moment and I looked at him and he looked back at me but he said nothing. "Tony... do you want to?"

"I do... I really do. But... I'm scared Steve," said Tony.

"Why are you scared? You're so much more experienced than I am!" I said and I pushed the hair out of his eyes and tried to comfort him. I was so nervous too and it felt good to hear someone else say it. 

"You'll be my first guy," said Tony. "I've never done it with a guy before... I'm just scared."

"Tony, you'll be my first ever. And I'm sure you'll do just as good things with me," I said softly and he rolled me over so he was on top of me. 

"Maybe, the third date starts now," said Tony with a small smirk. 

"Mm, maybe," I said. "But... let me lock the door... and get prepared." He sat up slowly and I got off the bed and locked the door. I ran into the bathroom and took a deep breath. I messed up my hair a bit and I rinsed out my mouth. I undid the top few of my shirt buttons and then I came out of the bathroom. Tony was waiting for me at the entrance of door and he smiled at me. His shirt was already undone all the way and he looked so happy to see me.

He gently pushed me against the wall and his whole body was against me which made me want him so much. I pulled off the rest of his shirt and he smirked. I started to kiss him all down his neck and his dick was now pushing into my thigh really hard. I kept him close against me as I laid myself back on top of him on the bed. As I started to reach his soft spot on his neck, he groaned into my shoulder making me grin to myself. I carried on until he had his nails in my back and was mumbling my name. "I never knew my neck was so sensitive," he grumbled as I made my way further down his body. I held onto his belt tightly and I started to undo it. "When's it going to be your turn?" asked Tony.

"I want to do you first. We can do me later," I said as I pulled of the rest of his trousers and underwear. He was now naked and I was still fully dressed.

"Steve, take off your shirt," said Tony and he tugged at me. "I want to see your chest again." I took it off as he asked and it was worth it when I saw the look of his face. "Go on Steve." I looked at him and I didn't say anything. "Steve?"

"Y-Yeah," I said stuttering. 

"Do you want to do it?" he asked and he sat up a bit and he put his hand on my cheek when I didn't answer. "What's the matter?"
"I'm just still nervous," I said. "But I still want to do it." 

"Good. Me too," he said and he pulled me on top of him by my wrists. "Well let's go."


We both lay there quietly and I had him wrapped in my arms and he had his head in my chest and was starting to fall asleep. Just as I was about to get up he put his hand around my arm. "Steve... thank you," said Tony sleepily and I kissed him on the head. "I feel like I rushed us to do this."

"Well I'm glad you did. It was really good... and I like you even more now," I said. "I didn't even think it was possible." He sat up quickly from his bed and he wrapped his arms around my neck and he placed his head against my shoulder. 

"Please stay in my bed tonight. I don't want you to go," said Tony.

"I'll only be across the room Tony!" I cried. He made a whining sound and I laughed. "Okay fine. But let me get dressed." 

"I'll get dressed too."

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