Part 8: Ready

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I woke up to Tony nuzzling me while the alarm on his phone went off. He had fallen asleep as well. His arms were holding me so tight I couldn't reach his phone to turn it off and it was going off like a siren. How was he not waking up? "Tony!" I yelled. He moved his head about an inch and I rolled my eyes. I shook myself around and he hit me down on my chest.

"Stop moving Steve, I'm tired," said Tony. 

"It's time to get up. We have that meeting!" I said and I sat up pulling him with me. "Now come on." As I got off the bed I wobbled a few steps and I tumbled down onto my knees. 

"Steve!" he cried and he rolled off the bed and knelt beside me. "What happened?"

"I-I just got dizzy. I'm fine," I said and I chuckled. He put out his hand to help me up and the whole way to the door he was holding my arm making sure I didn't tumble again. "Tony, I'm really fine."

"I know, I know. I just want to help you... wow... your face got bruised!" said Tony and he put his hand on my face. "Does it hurt?" I looked at him and he stopped and smirked. His hand moved down my neck and was now on my shoulders. I smiled and I leant against the door. He stood on my feet so he could reach my lips and he gently held my head against the door while he moved his lips against mine slowly. I moved my head to the side. 

"Tony we have to go," I said.

"We don't have to be there for another 20minutes," said Tony. "I set the alarm a bit early. I thought we could go for a walk but... we could stay... again."

"Good," I said. "Because I'm getting really hard." Tony moved his hands down my waist and I could see he was getting really excited. 

"Hard, ay?" he said and he put his hands on the zipper of my trousers. 

"Kiss me. We won't have time for anything else," I said. "Kiss me so hard." He looked up at me and giggled.

"You might have to bend down a bit," said Tony and he pulled at the neck of my shirt. I sat down on the edge of the bed and he sat with his legs wrapped around me. "You look like such a rebel right now."

"Shut up," I said and I put my hands over his mouth playfully and he laughed and tickled me so I almost dropped him. "Careful Tony! You could've fallen!" Tony wrapped his arms around my neck tightly. 

"I know you won't drop me," he said softly in my ear.

"I've got you," I said. "Now will you kiss me?" He pushed me so I was lying on my back with him pressed against me. 

"Wow, you weren't joking when you said you were hard," said Tony.

"Shh. I just want to make out with you," I said. His tongue finally made its way into my mouth. Our lips connected slowly and I held his head close to me with my hand. He broke away from my lips and started sucking and nibbling at my neck. He started to get to my soft spot and I started to breathe quicker.

"Mm, you're liking it there aren't you?" asked Tony and I could feel him smiling up against me. He carried on kissing and biting my neck until I was moaning really loud and his hands were moving down my chest and I smirked. I looked over at the clock. 1:05.

"Tony! We're late!" I cried and I jumped up almost throwing him off me. 

"What? But we've only been kissing for like 10minutes," said Tony confused.

"You must've set your alarm wrong. Let's go," I said. "Also, we should probably put on a longer shirt. You're really hard too now." We both burst out laughing and I shook my head. 

"Fuck Steve. Why are you so hot?" asked Tony and he tutted. He threw his shirt on the floor and took one of mine from the draw. "You're bigger than me." He looked so cute in it. The sleeves went way past his fingers and they swayed like leaves every time he walked. I shut the door behind him and we ran really quickly to the meeting room and when we got there, they were already sitting down; There was, Bruce, Thor, Natasha and Peter and Wanda. There were two seats next to each other at the table and we went and sat down next to each other.

"We were waiting for you to start," said Natasha. "We have to talk about bunch of stuff and report back to Fury... It's mainly about our training and teamwork."

"Fun," said Tony sarcastically.

"Be nice," said Bruce and he smiled.

"I just want to say, I'm so honoured to be here! I love this team," said Peter happily. "I'm sure you'll love it Mr Stark."

"Please, call me Tony. We're in a team together," said Tony laughing. Peter laughed nervously and then the meeting began. It went on for a whole hour and even I was starting to get a bit bored. The second the meeting ended it was time for class anyway. 

"Can-can I walk with you Steve and Tony?" asked Peter. 

"Of course. What class do we have?" I asked.

"History," said Peter. "I-I just need some advice." We all slowed down so we could talk in private.

"What's the matter?" I asked. 

"I'm seeing someone... but I don't know whether to tell anyone... I just thought you guys would be able to help... you see.. he's a guy," said Peter nervously. "Will people judge?"

"Peter! That's great," I said. Tony and I looked at each other with a small relief that we weren't the only ones. "What's his name?"

"Wade... I really like him," said Peter. "Thanks guys, I just had to tell someone...I thought you guys would get what I'm going through." I froze for a second.

"Wh-Why us?" asked Tony. We both glanced at each other out of the corner of our eyes. 

"Oh because you're my favourites out of everyone," said Peter. "Thanks again." Tony and I looked at each other and smiled.

"I think I'm ready," I whispered. Tony's face lit up with excitement. "I love you."

"And I may have left a few marks on your neck."


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