Part 11: The Starks

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As I helped Tony carry his suit cases across to the giant long car that waited for us at the gates, Tony walked behind me throwing snow at my back. "Tony! Come and help me," I hissed. He took one of the tiny cases from the top and carried it alongside me. We loaded them into the trunk of the car and shut the doors. All of our friends were waiting at the gates to be picked up or to say goodbye. I hugged Peter and Bruce and Thor patted me on the back. Wanda and Natasha were chatting away and laughing while Clint was tying the string on his bow. We said our goodbyes and then Tony pulled me gently by the wrist away into the passenger seats of the giant car as the driver shut the doors for u.

"This car is huge Tony," I said.

"My Dad sent it," said Tony. "He said he'd be there when I arrive which normally means he's going to leave soon after I get there." He sat close to me and held my hand. "It's snowing and I get to spend Christmas with you... maybe I'll even show you this new suit I've been working on." 

"You're working on a new suit? What's wrong with the one you've got?" I asked.

"It's locked up at school and I never get to use it because Fury says so," said Tony. "Peter gets his suit."

"Peter's suit isn't dangerous sweetie," I said and we laughed. We had such a fun car ride to his parents house in Manhattan. We opened up the car windows and tried to catch as many snowflakes as we could with our hands and every time Tony got one he looked so happy with himself. 

"My snowflakes better," said Tony but before he could show it to me it had already melted. 

"Of course it is," I said and I rolled my eyes playfully. "How long do we have left until we're there?"

"Nearly there. Like 5minutes," said Tony. As soon as he realised he was almost home he started to act a bit nervous. He had his hands in his lap and he stared at the floor not saying anything. I tried to call his name a few times but he was in his own world. The driver pulled up at his house and it was so modern. It definitely looked like it belonged to the Stark's. Tony looked up at me nervously and he grabbed me by my shirt and kissed me. "Let's go." The driver opened the door for us and I held his hand as he got out of the car but we both quickly dropped each other when Tony's parents opened the front door to greet us. We trudged through the snow to get to them and Tony's Mother hugged him as he stepped up to her.

"How was your first semester?" she asked and she put her hands on his cheeks. 

"It was good. Mother this is Steve," said Tony and he pulled me over by my hand. "He's... my boyfriend."

"Steve Rogers! Your boyfriend!" cried his Mother. "Well I'd never have thought that," she said sarcastically. 

"What's that supposed to mean?" asked Tony. 

"This young man's all you ever talk about," said his Father. His Father pulled me in for a hug. "It's been too long Steve. What was it? WW1?"

"Yes it was," I said. "So... are you happy we're together?" 

"Tony needs somebody good. Unlike his other partners," said his Father. Tony rolled his eyes. "Well let's all get inside." We both took our suitcases up to his room and the second we were in his room he slammed the door shut hard. His room was massive; he had a giant king size bed that had more pillows than I'd ever owned. 

"Wow Tony. That bed is impressive," I said.

"I can't believe he's already on my case," Tony huffed. He lay down on his bed with his head in his puffed up pillows. "Why can't he just love me?"

"He loves you," I said and I went and laid down next to him. I felt myself sink into his bed like standing in quicksand and I never wanted to leave it. "Your bed is so comfortable. I want to stay here forever."

"Don't worry. We'll be spending a lot of time on here. We have two weeks," said Tony. "Christmas Eve tomorrow Steve." 

"I've got you a present for tomorrow. And one for Christmas day," I said. 

"I did the same," said Tony excitedly. There was a knock at the door and Mr Stark walked in and he looked quite serious.

"I have bad news boys. Your Mother and I have to leave after Christmas day for a conference but we'll be back on New Years," said Mr Stark.

"But Dad! You never get to spend time with me," said Tony angrily. "It's the holidays."

"I'm sorry," said Mr Stark. "My work is important and you should respect that son." He shut the door behind him and Tony sighed loudly. I knew I had to cheer him up somehow. I jumped of the bed and ran to closet.

"Steve, what are you doing?" asked Tony. I grabbed his coat and threw it at him. 

"We're going outside," I said excitedly. Tony got ready and lead him out of the house by his hands. I looked back at him and a small smile appeared on his face. We ran out of the door together. The second we stepped out, I almost slipped on ice and Tony grabbed onto me tightly. "Please don't fall Steve." His hands stayed around my arm as we walked along the path way. "So what are we doing?" he asked. I grabbed a giant ball of fluffy snow and I chucked it down onto his head. "Steve!" he cried giggling. Tony scooped up the biggest amount he could carry and he threw it at my chest. I felt the ice go down my chest and I shuddered.

"That's in my shirt," I squealed. Tony looked perfect. His hair was covered in his little snowflakes and his nose was rose pink. He looked up at me laughing and I couldn't stop smiling. 

"Steve are you okay? You've gone really quiet," said Tony and he put his freezing cold hands in mine. I leaned in close to him and he let go of my hands and put his arms around my waist. I put my hands on his cheeks and just before I could kiss him, Tony drags me down into a heap on snow so I'm lying on top of him. "Sorry. I kind of slipped."

"We weren't even moving!" I cried. I rolled over so we were lying next to each other on our backs. Tony climbed on top of me and he put his hands on my shoulders.

"I'm sorry I ruined the kiss," said Tony. He kissed me on the cheek and I put my hand around the back of his head and I leaned into him. His lips were so warm and his clutching onto my top made it even better. I could feel him shaking against me and I smiled. "Steve, I'm cold." 

I put my arms arounds him. His legs were wrapped around me and he had his head next to mine resting in the snow. "This is so nice," I said. "I feel so happy to be with you."

"I know. It feels great to have you here," said Tony. I could see Tony playing with the snow out of the corner of my eye and I laughed. "Steve, I made a snow ball." 

"Let's get you inside. You're shivering," I said. He helped me get up and he brushed the snow of my coat. "My little Tony," I said and I squished his cheeks.

"I'm not little!" exclaimed Tony and I put my arm around his shoulders. 

"Okay Tiny."

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