New Years

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Tony's parents had left a few days ago now and it just us lying around the house. "Do you want to do fireworks?" I asked. 

"Meh. I want to make you dinner and stay up until midnight drinking," said Tony grinning.

"You're not drinking again!" I cried. "Not after the last time. You were a nightmare." He giggled and hit me playfully.

"Come on Stevey. I want to drink and play with you," said Tony. "Steveee."

"Fine! But not too much. You need to be well for when we go back to school," I said. He grunted and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders. 

"I'm going to start cooking. Only a few hours left until midnight," said Tony. As he got up he grabbed me by my chin and kissed me leaving me flustered. "I like making you blush. Cute." I laughed nervously. I turned on the TV but all I could hear was the sound of Tony dropping pots and pans. 

"Tony!" I cried. "What the hell are you doing?" I yelled. I went into the kitchen and I froze. He wasn't moving; just lying there on the floor. "Tony! Tony?" I ran down to him and he was unconscious. I put my hand on his heart and it was still beating. He had a giant bruise on his head and a cut on his lip. I ran to the phone and dialled 911.

"I need an ambulance. My... boyfriend's unconscious," I said. It did feel good to call him my boyfriend but the situation was bad. I sat down next to him on the floor and I rested his head on my lap. I stroked his hair and his eyes slowly started to open. His hand gently gripped mine but he didn't say anything. "It's okay. I've called for help. You're going to be fine," I whispered to him. I carried on stroking his hair.

"S-Steve," he mumbled quietly. "My head really hurts."

"Oh sweetie, do you remember what happened?" I asked. 

"It was nothing. I slipped and hit my head on the side," said Tony. "It really hurts." 

"Just a little bit longer. Help is coming," I said. I heard a knock at the door. "It's the ambulance." I slowly got up placing his head on top of my jumper for a pillow. They came in and put Tony on a stretcher and he was clinging onto my hand the whole time. We got into the back of the ambulance and they started asking Tony questions but the whole time he just gazed at me. 

"Tony, answer the questions," I said.

"Sorry Steve. I didn't want the night like this," he said. "It's all my fault." He was lying down on the hospital bed while we got driven to the hospital and I kissed his cheek. 

"It wasn't your fault and I just want to spend time with you," I said. 

When we got to the hospital, I had to wait in the waiting room because they had to run some tests on him before we could go home. I had been sitting there for an hour until someone finally came in and said I could see him. I got into the room as quickly as I could and he was lying there with a purple bruise on his head. 

"Steve!" he cried as he saw me. "They said I could go home today."

"Yes, his tests are all fine. We would recommend staying, but you don't have to," said the doctor.

"Home," said Tony before I could say a word. As they got him unplugged from the machines I filled out the paperwork. He held onto my arm and we walked out of the hospital together. "How are we getting home?" 

"The bus," I said. We waited at the bus stop for 10minutes until the bus came and I paid for our tickets. Tony shut his eyes and put his head against my shoulder the whole journey home. I could hear him mumbling to himself and it made me smile. We finally got to our stop and I shook him so he would get up. I pretty much had to carry him through the door. His house was so warm and cozy compared to the outside. "You're going to bed."

"No, no, I'm not," he said slowly. "We still have to drink and have fun."

"No. You're hurt and you're going to bed!" I said firmly. 

"Loosen up Steve. Have some fun," said Tony. "I don't want to go to bed."

"Tony, you've just come from the hospital. Go," I said. "Please." 

"No Steve. You can leave if you're going to carry on like this," said Tony and he turned his back. I looked at him shocked.

"Why do you have to be so stubborn?" I yelled. "I just want to take care of you."

"Leave... you're killing the point of New Years," said Tony. I went up to his room and packed my bag. Did we just break up? I can't believe he kicked me out for trying to take care of him. Looks like I 'll be taking the bus all the way back to school. 

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