"You were born with the ability to change someone's life - don't ever waste it."

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A.N.: Hey guys! Happy (early) Valentine's Day! I was going to post the day of, but I got done with the chapter and I really wanted to post it. Anyways, I want to thank all of you for your positive reviews. This is my first time sharing a story with a public audience and I am so grateful for all of you! Also, every chapter of my story will be titled with an inspirational quote. For the most part, every chapter, including this one, will be told from TJ's POV.

Haftarah is a selection from the Book of Prophets.

Also, TJ's going to call Cyrus chocolate chip and Cyrus' going to call TJ Hairgel. 

I next saw Cyrus at the swings just a few weeks after the first time. However, it didn't seem like he was there to escape his troubles that day. He had a packet in his hands and he wasn't even swinging.

"What's up, chocolate chip?"

He looks up, a smile forming on his face after seeing me. Just seeing him smile at my presence makes me blush, but you know, that wouldn't be appropriate. Cyrus responds, "Not much, hairgel. I have my bar mitzvah in a few weeks and I'm stressing about memorizing this part of the Torah."

I take it and pronounces the Haftarah I quickly recognized without any problem. Cyrus gapes at him, "How did you do that?"

"I'm Jewish. I celebrated my bar mitzvah last year. My family goes to the synagogue the next town over, which is probably why you've never seen me. I read the same passage when I had mine," I explain. Although it was a huge rite of passage I prepared for, passing it was so satisfying.

"Whoa, that's awesome! Do you think you could help me?" Cyrus asks eagerly.

I chuckle, "Relax, Chocolate Chip. How long have you been studying this?"

Cyrus looks down, "Six months."

"I promise you, CC, you'll be fine. What's really bothering you?" I ask, sitting down at the swing next to him. I'm not going to admit I studied the passages for over a year. I actually learned how to speak Yiddish and Hebrew relatively fluently through my Torah studies and questions.

Cyrus puts away his packet and stares at the ground for another moment, "Jonah's going to be there."


"Jonah Beck, the Ultimate Frisbee captain. My best friend Andi's boyfriend. And... my crush," he admits.

Cyrus likes someone else. That revelation almost breaks my heart. But I'm made of stronger stuff than to break down in front of my crush. However, it's relatively clear that Jonah won't ever reciprocate his feelings, which gives me hope as much as it will hurt Cyrus.

"Oh, that kid? He's not all that. I've heard several stories of people who were hurt emotionally by him. Chocolate Chip, you could do so much better than him."

"You're not... perturbed, that I'm into guys?" he says. In his voice, I can tell that he's struggled with his sexuality for some time. Even if he may not necessarily have been hurt for being into guys, he clearly fears such an incident's occurrence.

His hurt makes me decide to do something I've never done before. I get up from my swing and hug him. He clutches on to me as if he desperately needed a hug. I explain, "I never believed in anything other than the idea that love is love. My parents raised me to accept any kind of love. Just know you have me for anything you need if you feel down, Chocolate Chip."

"Thank you, Hairgel," he says softly. After our tender moment, I get up to push him on the swings. Maybe this will become a regular habit

Two things came out of that second chance meeting. The first: Cyrus Josiah Goodman, my crush of several weeks, was gay. The second: said crush would be unrequited for a while, because another guy had his heart. A guy totally undeserving of the love of a boy so sweet and sensitive. I'm not ready to tell Chocolate Chip that I'm gay as well. There's just too much too be said and to experience before I can even reach that level. I may be a confident teen, but that is not an indicator of revealing one of my most deeply guarded secrets.

Let's just see what the new day brings, shall we?

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