Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.

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AN: Hey guys! Andi Mack just got a Season 3! This chapter's quote is from Winston Churchill. I used this quote because a big topic of this chapter will be about military families. GUYS CYRUS' BASH-MITZVAH WAS AMAZING. It was so beautiful and made the show so much more progressive, like when Cyrus came out to Andi (it was so beautiful) and Jonah's panic attack. I've had my fair share of panic attacks and I've had one a few months ago that went on for several hours. Having a tv show where one of the MCs is facing something I've faced is really amazing.

For anyone reading this after I published it (which was way back in February 2018) the kiss I put in is fake. However, I'm still keeping it just as a plot progression.

For weeks I avoided everyone. The only real interaction I had was when I had tutoring sessions with Buffy. My grade in math started to go up a little bit, which I was proud of.

But major news from my family found me back at the park on the swings. It must've been an hour since the news until I was conscious of my surroundings. Tears were falling down my face, faster than I could wipe them away.

"Hairgel? What're you doing here?" Cyrus asks. He takes a better look at me, "What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"My sister..." I finally manage to let out, crying harder.

He sits next to me, "What happened?"

"My sister's in the military. I haven't seen her since my own Bar Mitzvah over a year ago. She was  a JROTC member during high school and went through training which allowed her to skip military academy. The service wherever she's deployed isn't great so I haven't heard from her since. But today we finally heard from her. She... She's been injured in combat. They don't know if she's going to make it," I say, my tears finally leading into sobs.

"Oh, TJ..." Cyrus says and hugs me to my shocking surprise.

"Cyrus..." I say softly.

"Look, I know things were found out at my bar mitzvah and judging from how you behaved over the last few weeks, you mustn't be ready to talk about it. No matter what, right now, you need a friend. And that's what I'm going to be for you right now, okay?" he responds.

"Thank you," I manage to choke out.

"Tell me about your sister," he suggests.

I try to get myself together before I speak because I know I'll break down again otherwise, "Her name is Camilla Jane Kippen. She was known as CJ at school, but I always called her Cami and she always called me Terry."

"Terry?" he questions.

"You didn't think my name was actually TJ, did you?" I say with a laugh. Just this small conversation is making me feel a little bit better.

"No," he says and blushes abashedly, "What is your real name?"

"Terrence Jacob Kippen. I know, it's dry."

"I like it. I'm going to call you Ter from now on."

"Okay, but you better be the only one who calls me that. Anyways, Cami enlisted almost right after graduation four years ago. I hated that she was away and I decided to stop calling myself Terrence. We moved to this town that summer and I stopped going by Terrence, and eventually got to TJ as my chosen nickname. It's a small tribute to Cami. When we were together, we were Cami and Terry. But when we're not, we're CJ and TJ. That connection makes me feel like I'll always have a piece of her in my heart."

"You really care about her, don't you."

"Of course. It doesn't matter how many fights we've gotten into; I will always love her. I can't lose her. I just can't," I state, bursting into tears again.

"Ter, may I try something?" he asks.

"Okay," I say and find a pair of soft lips on mine.

"Okay," I say and find a pair of soft lips on mine

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AN: This is the edited kiss. It's not real. But it would be so cool to get one!

The kiss is absolutely amazing. I've never kissed anyone before, and having my first with a guy like Cyrus makes it all the better. I don't really want to stop, but I know it will have to eventually, so I let Cyrus be the one to break away.

"I know you must be curious as to why I did that. But I saw how my touch helped you feel better earlier. I thought maybe this was the best way to help you know that I am here for you, Ter."

"You gave me my first kiss..." I say, still in a daze from the kiss.

"And you are the first guy I have ever kissed. And it is SO much better than kissing girls," he slightly gushes.

"I wouldn't know from experience, so I'll just take your word for it," I chuckle, "But it did help. Thanks Chocolate Chip."

"I have a proposition for you," he says suddenly.

"What is it?"

"I haven't been this comfortable around a guy maybe ever. I haven't had the best luck with relationships, and my crushes have been odd to say the least, and you don't seem ready for one yet. Maybe we can try to explore what it's like to have feelings for guys together? Not as boyfriends, but to have someone going through the same confusion I am by my side would be amazing. What do you say?"

"Interesting proposition, Goodman. We have a deal," I grin.

Cyrus, who has a low level of self confidence on a regular basis, has been the most supportive person I've had since Cami... I am so glad to have him.

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