"The Greatest Revenge is Compassion"

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AN: Wow. Seems like every time I update without a set time, I happen to do a time jump. Since we switch back to TJ's POV here, I'm jumping back to when they were in college and broke up. If enough people are interested, I'll create a book with a collection of one-shots of their relationship between middle school and college. Let me know!

Also, I realized that I said in the first chapter that Jonah is straight, but I have him married to Cyrus in the future. Clearly, he's not (or is he? Mwahahahaha). I hope this chapter explains it.

I'm finally home after a five game away series, which we won all but one of (the score was really close, too).  It's nearly Christmas and this year, we're going to spend the few days we have off in Cancun with Mom, Gabriel, Jax' dad James, Jax's mom Jessica, and Jax's sister Juliana. I don't know what Camilla is doing, but apparently she's going on vacation with the Wagner family.

I slide my keycard in to unlock our penthouse. We decided to upgrade a bit and found a three-story penthouse on the Upper East Side, separated into wings. It's ridiculously huge. We don't spend too much so the cost didn't damage our savings. Plus, with the Smart-Fridges that allow constant, cheap restocking of our most necessary items, we don't spend much on the necessities. And solar-powered everything cuts our electricity bill. Admittedly, we did splurge on the amenities just so that we wouldn't have to pay in extravagance later. Altruism, I suppose.

"Terry," a voice says softly.

I look around to find, "Camilla?"

I snort in disbelief. Clearly, she's not here for help. She's extremely healthy and is wearing clothes that Bianca was moaning over because they weren't even out yet. But I've cut her out of my life. So why is she here?

"I'm sorry, I just saw her downstairs and she was looking for you so I let her come up with me," Jax pleads.

"You, do whatever in the living room," I say to Camilla, then turn to Jax, "We need to have a talk."

We both head to our room. He sits in silence as I clean out my suitcase, knowing I don't want to speak just yet. As soon as I finish, I turn my annoyance at him, "Why? You know I don't talk to her!"

"We haven't talked about her in so long. The first few years of our relationship, you mentioned her grievances relatively often. I thought you'd forgiven her?"

"I would never."

"Why? Did she not mean the world to you?"

"That was before she caused Cyrus to cheat on me!" I burst.

It was sophomore year of college. Cyrus had entered college this year, but we didn't meet as often. Basketball, heavy class load, and fraternity duties stood in my way of spending more time with him. I tried to make more time for him. Unfortunately, Camilla was in town the same weekend that I was actually free.

"Terry, let's go see High School Musical 5! It just opened and the main cast from the original trilogy is in it! Plus, I hear Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens might have rekindled their relationship and it shows onscreen. I know you love the movies, come watch!" she says when I arrive at her hotel room.

"Cami, I really can't. I actually came because I need to shorten our lunch plans. There's this LGBTQ forum on his campus that he managed to snag an invite for me. I didn't want to cancel in any way other than in person. But this is really important. It's my identity. I want to be open about it," I apologize.

She snaps a smile on her face that I later realize is fake, "Fine. Give me a moment to freshen?"

"Alright. Thanks, C."

We head out to Torchy's Tacos, the best taco place I've ever been. I grab my own order, eat relatively fast with Cami, then take another order to-go for Cyrus.

I arrive at Cy's dorm to find... Cyrus and Jonah... kissing? Jonah's shirtless, and Cyrus appears to be almost in the same state.

"What the fuck?"

They break apart. Jonah contorts his face into a sneer, "You have no right to say that you know. You made it clear to Cy-guy that you don't want him anymore."

"This doesn't excuse the cheating!"

"Cheating? Your sister let us know that you didn't want to be with me. That you found someone else and didn't want to tell me," Cyrus says, breaking my heart even more.

"The way you two are at going at it, it doesn't seem like it was new."

Jonah smirks, "Since last year, actually. Being away from home helped me come to terms with my sexuality, and that I liked Cyrus."

"I was going to tell you after the forum... but you came in."

"Camilla told you last year?" I ask in disbelief. He nods, "Well, to clarify, I've only liked one person in my life, and that was always you, Cyrus. So fuck you."

"TJ, I..." he stumbles.

"No. Just... no. I hope I never see you again. Both of you," I say. Before I leave, I toss the Torchy's Tacos bag at him, "I got this for you, knowing you liked it. Take it, don't take it. I don't care. I no longer want something of yours."

I turn outside and slam the door behind me. I can't let my emotions get the better of me. Not yet. I have one more person to deal with.

"How DARE you!" I scream at Camilla once I enter her hotel room.

"It was for your own good," she says innocently.

"You have NEVER had the right to decide what's good for me. I protected YOU that night. You were foolish enough to get yourself pregnant. You were never good for me. I swear, if I never see you again, it'll be too soon. I've spoken to the concierge. You're checked out of the hotel. Your flight's been moved to tonight. Now please, get the HELL out of my life!" I roar.

The memory of that horrible day leaves me as emotionally wrecked as I had been once I was in privacy.  Jax holds me for a while, "God damn, I'm sorry. But... was Cyrus not in a different state of mind then or am I wrong?"

"He did fight for his cousin Amber to stay for a long while without any bearing of fruit. They had a grand scale fight that wrecked what was already deteriorating completely after her father lost his job. He gave up the fight then... then she moved back for college last year and didn't tell him until she came over for dinner one night. He must've found comfort in Jonah then... I recall them not speaking to each other from the fight until just a few months ago. Oh, fuck."

"I'll deal with Camilla. I think you need to go back to that town," he nods.

"Not without you," I plead.

"I'm not leaving you stranded, dear. Just book the tickets."

Was I judging the situation wrong... after all these years?

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