"The Pain of Parting is Nothing to the Joy of Meeting Again"

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A.N: Y'ALL I HEARD CYRUS IS GETTING A BOYFRIEND BY (OR DURING) SEASON 3! WHICH          -YRUS WILL IT BE (I'm hoping for Tyrus). I was on my way back from Mexico and I'd saved the coming out video on my phone (like three of them), and I was rewatching them. It inspired me to update this chapter. Anyways, we're back in the Andi Mack hometown starting this chapter, and Cyrus' POV is in this chapter.

I refer to their hometown as "Shadyside" as that's what it's called in Truth or Truth.

As I was writing this chapter, I watched A Walker to Remember. HOLY SHIT. I hope things will be resolved. There's such a stark contrast between how TJ is with Buffy and with Cyrus.

Home. How long it's been. 

After Buffy moved away for a while and Amber left, Shadyside just wasn't home. Then they did both come back, and things felt more normal. But life had changed. I had changed.

Years later, I recall very well what 7th grade me loved about Shadyside, how it was the only definition I had for home. But after what happened with TJ... I couldn't go back.

I made mistakes the last year of our relationship. I did love TJ. I don't know why I cheated with Jonah. Frankly, I'm not sure why I'm still with him. We never actually married. I know Jonah wants it, something inside me just isn't ready.

That is... until today...

I sit inside The Spoon with Jonah. I followed in mom's vegan lifestyle after junior year of high school. I knew I loved vegan food but I didn't know if I could follow through. Once I left Shadyside, though, I realized my opposition to being vegan was living there, especially with The Spoon's milkshakes. It was much easier to be vegan when I moved out, but I indulge only when I'm back in my hometown.

I hear the door open as I order baby taters, a veggie burger, and a milkshake, but I don't pay much attention... that is, until I hear gasps and squeals from some of the teens and even an adult or two. I turn my attention to... TJ and his husband Jax, signing autographs and taking photos. 

Once the crowd clears, our eyes meet. He's grown. He's wearing one of his custom Knick's sweatshirts (it's very cold outside) and jeans. His hair is no longer slightly spiked but cut close to his head. If he was handsome before, the only way to describe him now is gorgeous. 

It scares me that I no longer know what he's feeling from looking into his eyes. He's become unreadable. Before he can head further towards me, I panic and sprint away. 

It must've been fate to meet again, as I found myself back at the same swings that once brought me comfort. I don't want to go too far up, that is, until I find someone gently pushing me so I can swing upwards. TJ. 

He does that in silence for a few moments, until he sits on the other swing and starts to do the same. After he's higher up, he finally talks, "Hi."


"Before you ask, or beg for forgiveness, or whatever, I wanted to explain that I came here to see you."

"I thought you hated me?"

"For years, I did. But then I realized something. You were dealing with what happened with Amber. Your mind was an emotional wreck. Then Camilla came around and told you I wasn't interested. Already being sensitive to what others think of you, you found that reasonable. And you thought that since Camilla was my best friend, it made sense that she would tell you. So you made bad choices."

I just gape at him. He smirks, "I took a few psychology classes at uni. Jax helped me turn to the thoughts of rationality. I've spent a few days analyzing the situation."

"You must really love him, don't you?"

"Not as much as I loved you, but he knows that. But I love him a lot. He loves Miles Lennox still. That was his first love, and in all honesty, you never really get over your first. But I wouldn't give up my life right now for anything."

I simply nod. After a moment, I reply, "I never married Jonah, you know."

He cocks an eyebrow at me, "Oh?"

"He wanted to tie the knot, but something inside me just prevented me from wanting it. I didn't realize why. But when I met you today, I think I finally do. I've been ridden with guilt for years for what I did to you."

"For what it's worth, I forgive you. But things are not going to change. We are both in good relationships. I can do being friends."

"I can live with that."

Just then, Jax rushes over, bringing with him what will change things yet again.

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