"Love is a song that never ends"

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In other exciting news, the episode titles and descriptions for the June episodes are out! Can't wait to see them!

Also, yes, I am placing as many Disney characters as I possibly can. This chapter should be solely Andi Mack characters, though.

In this chapter, Cyrus will be telling his story. In the next chapter or the following, it'll skip around a bit to where they actually break up, then back to the present.

J and I are back in our hometown for the weekend. Bowie and Bex are having their wedding anniversary party.

Actually, that's a bit general. Bowie and Bex didn't marry each other, but they did have a double wedding. Miranda and Bowie really did hit it off well, and he proposed at our middle school graduation party. Bex was single for a while, until she met Samantha Wilder, who was the Barker at our Ren Faire back in 7th grade. Their connection was stronger than what Bex had with Bowie. It was interesting, because Bex had had so many boyfriends in her 30+ years of life that she never realized she was attracted to other women. Sam was her bisexual awakening. She proposed to Sam Andi's freshman year, and both pairs had a wedding together the summer before our junior year.

Being back brings a lot of memories. We don't go anywhere without making a stop at The Spoon, still fully in business, for some classic baby taters and milkshakes. That's where the memories really hit.

Ter and I head off to our first official date. He insists on taking me to dinner at The Spoon before his surprise for the main part of our date.

I find myself enjoying myself greatly as we wait for the waiter to take our orders. Ter makes me laugh for five minutes straight with a story about a friend from his old town who tried to dance on top of a table for his crush, but he couldn't dance. He ended up falling off the table right into her arms. 

"What can I get for you today-" Amber says, walking up to us. As soon as she makes eye contact with me, she bursts into tears.

I suppose it's better to explain. Amber's my cousin and my ultimate best friend. However, we've been in a fight for a while. She didn't tell me that her family was having financial issues. That they were struggling so bad she had to get a job to make ends meet. Our family has connections, and could have helped them. But they refuse our help. But she hasn't cried in front of me at all since the fight. I need to find out what's wrong.

We give her our orders and she heads off, before walking out the back door for air. Terrence turns to me, "Go. Talk to her. I'm right here."

"You're the best, you know," I smile.

He shrugs his shoulders, "I've been aware. Thanks for reminding me."

I snort and walk out the back door. I see Amber blubbering in the corner. I call out, "Bambi!"

She turns away, "Cyde I don't want to talk to you right now."

"What's gotten into you? Tell me!" I plead.

"Go away, Cyrus! God damn it!" she screams.

"Bambi... I only want to help..." I say, nearly finding myself about to cry myself.

She walks over to me, tears streaming down her face, and pushes me back to the entrance, "You can't help, Cyrus. That's the point! Now go back to your stupid date and leave me alone!"

She turns back away to her corner. Defeated, I walk to the door. However, I turn back once more, "That stupid date is my first date with a person I have actual feelings for! Thank god Terrence is an angel because I might have destroyed my chances with him due to me interrupting my date to deal with you and your problems! Gee, I thought, even though we fought for months, I care about my cousin, and I don't want to lose her! I've been here for you for so long, Amber. I guess that means you really don't need me anymore."

I walk back inside. Terrence sees my face and quickly jumps up, "Let's skip this part of the date?"

"Thank you," I manage to whisper.

We catch the train to the next destination. As soon as we're in a private compartment, I finally start to cry. He takes me into his arms and consoles me, "What happened with you and your cousin?"

He knows about our fight prior to today's incident, so I just continue, "Something's bothering her and I know it. But she doesn't need me! I'm losing her, Ter. My best friend."

"I get it. I've been feeling the same about Cam."


"Now that I know what really happened, she's been walking on eggshells around me. And the marriage thing! It's just all too complicated."

"I get it," I say.

After I've calmed, I ask him the question, "Where exactly are we heading?"

"As you can tell, not in our city of residence. We're heading back to my hometown. There's this one place that's quite unlike anything here. It's not too far from here, so we'll be back by seven at the latest."

"Great!" I grin.

He ends up taking me to this 50's style diner, "I was going to bring you here for ice cream, but we didn't have lunch, so we're eating here. It's one of those places I wanted to take you."

After an amazing lunch, we take a walk around the city as he shows me the places he remembers from long ago. He then takes me to the park, which is relatively empty. We spend a good portion of time there, relaxing and talking. There's never a dull moment with him.

After a goodbye kiss, I walk back home to find Amber at my doorstep. She's out of her work clothes. When she sees me, she springs up, "Cyrus, I wasn't fair to you today and I'm sorry."

"It's okay. Will you tell me what's wrong?"

She nods and tells me the news that would change my life then.

She was moving; her father had gotten a new job in Pennsylvania... All I knew at that age was that I had to make sure she would stay.

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