"Truth never damages a cause that is just."

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AN: Last chapter got deep, and I felt like it was necessary to clarify the flashback. TJ's father does not hit anyone, especially his family. The shock of Camilla's announcement caused that to happen. It was like his hands were being controlled by another being, he would never have done that. But that was the moment that drove a huge change in the family.

This chapter will deal with the aftermath of TJ remembering. 

All those memories came back to me. That's why Cami wasn't home for so long after I lost my memory. Why the army must've been a much better option for her.

But dad... I don't understand why he did it. Mom and Dad got divorced soon after it happened. We barely speak to him. Mom got remarried a couple of years ago, to a man named Gabriel Kippen (he shares the same last name as dad but they aren't related). 

I wake up in a hospital room, Mom and Gabe looking over me. She notices I'm up and speaks, relieved, "Terrence! You're finally up! You had us all frightened."

"Momma, I remember... everything."

"And you want to know why, don't you?" she says, understanding.

I nod. She waves Gabe out and sits on the chair beside me. "Your father never laid a hand on anyone before. Something happened that day. Maybe he was inebriated, maybe the shock caused him to do something he wouldn't ever do normally. But he hated himself for it. He blamed himself for Camilla's miscarriage. He broke, Terrence. The only way he thought he would protect us was for him to leave us. He begged me to divorce him and for me to have full custody over the two of you. This was while you were in a coma, and we didn't know what would happen to you. When the Doctor said you would not remember the last few months, we decided it would be best."

"And Cam? She must hate Dad."

"She forgave him."


"He hated that boy who impregnated her. He was right to. A few weeks after Cami had a miscarriage, a couple of days after she came back to school, that boy came to her. Broke up with her, telling her he wasn't ready to have a baby. She dragged him to a secluded area and yelled at him, telling him she had a miscarriage. She came home and cried into your father's lap, telling him he was right. She knew he had her best interests at heart. She forgave him but she couldn't forget. Before the divorce Cam met army people who had come to her training, and got one of the letters for potential sign up. She wanted it but ultimately, your father helped her make the decision. Now a few friends of yours are outside. It would probably be best to not tell them the truth of what happened."

I nod. She kisses my forehead and leaves. Buffy appears first, looking extremely apologetic, "I'm sorry TJ. I hit a sore spot and it's truly my fault. Can you please forgive me?"

"Look. I remembered things I'd forgotten about but I don't want to deal with them. You hate me so much that you were willing to tell me that I was the reason for my sister enlisting. That's not insulting, that's bullying. Your mother may have been in the army all your life, but at least you see her ever so often. Of the four years my sister's been in the army, I've seen her twice. Once before she was deployed, the second at my bar mitzvah. I keep trying to keep some civility but you fight back. Maybe it's best we just stop. We treat each other like classmates but we don't try to progress any further."

She nods and leaves the room. Cyrus is the next to enter. He looks extremely worried, "Ter?"

"I'm okay, CC, just a bit emotional."

"I'm glad you're alright. You've only been out a day but your mother made it sound so serious."

"It sort of is. I just don't want to talk about it."

"I respect that. You'll probably hate the hospital food, so I got my mom to make you brownies. They're vegan, but they're so good. I only love vegan food because my mom is vegan and an excellent cook. Bambi made you a cheeseburger from The Spoon."


"My cousin, Amber. She works there, remember? I forget why I call her that but it definitely had to do with her love for Disney."

"Tell your mom and cousin I said thanks."

"When do you get out of here?"

"Not sure. Probably soon."

"Actually, in a few hours. Checking your vitals, you seem perfectly fine," the doctor says.

"Thanks, Doctor."

I really need to talk to Cami.

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