☾Chapter Twenty☽

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Ever was in a predicament. Well, predicament was an understatement. She had been dragged down to Thouria's dungeons and was placed in a dirty, stinky cell. To make her feel even worse they had hauled her past the other royalty, to make a 'show'.

Prince June had tried to pull a guard aside to get everything under control, but they had just held him back as well, and he had mouthed Ever an "I'm sorry." So, it wasn't his doing, at least. How the High King found out that she was a witch was a mystery. Someone would have had to tell him, and the only ones who knew were innocent. Not to mention the fact that she was partially innocent. There was no reason for her to be convicted in Thouria; Siral or Rosenfelle yes, but here no.

Ever slumped against the stone wall. Her baby blue dress pooled around her, catching dirt and whatever was on the floor that no one had bothered to sweep up. She leaned her head back and sighed.

Now what was her plan?

There was always the obvious answer, magic, but that would spell out more trouble than good.

"It would seem that you're in quite a bind." Hex mused, gathering in the shadows of the cell across from her.

"I'm starting to think the world wants this mythical 'monster' to destroy everything." Ever closed her eyes.

"Hmm... perhaps. At this point I'd bet that you've been dealt a bad hand." Ever opened one eye and glared at Hex.

"Maybe." She sighed, turning her head to the cell next to her. The dungeons were completely empty, not to mention silent. "I'm sure that Wyll and June are getting this sorted out as we speak."

"Ah. So, the great and independent Ever is finally relying on someone else?"

"You have any better ideas? It's not like I have many options." Ever snapped.

"You're wrong my dear, you have the greatest option." Hex purred.

"And that is?"

"Let me help you out."

"Isn't that basically relying on someone?" Ever questioned.

"Partially, but I can't do much like this."

"So, what do you propose?" Ever asked.

"You let me take control, just for a little while. I'll get you out of here."

Ever let out a stark laugh. "Yah right. I've dealt a lot with spirits, I know how you think."

"Then, how about I help guide you. You give me a little control."

"Let me think about it... No." Ever snapped. She picked herself up off the floor and moved towards the iron bars. She wrapped a hand around her necklace and held tight to it. She thought quickly of a spell, something like a clairvoyance.

She found her way up the stairs, and through walls; up to a large room where all the royalty were gathered. There she saw Wyll and June laughing away, drinking champagne without a care in the world.

Ever stumbled backwards, pressing herself against the other set of bars. That couldn't be right. Wyll wouldn't leave her down here? Would he?

"Have we got a deal?" Hex smirked.

Ever sighed and rubbed her temple. "Fine."

She turned towards where Hex was standing and reached her hand through the bars. She then felt air brush against her as a shadowy arm reached out to shake her hand. Hex then grabbed her arm, his shadowy form turned to flesh and bone as he smirked and pulled himself toward her.

Ever AfterWhere stories live. Discover now